Listening, speaking, reading, writing skills. Structural points introduced inductively. History and culture. Meets four hours weekly.
Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or consent.
Continuation of 102. Meets four hours weekly, three of four hours devoted to drill and practice. Pre: 102.
Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or consent.
Survey of major writers of Samoan literature in English; lectures, discussions, short paper.
Continuation of 202. Advanced reading and composition with development of language structure integrated in a variety of communicative and creative activities based on selected traditional cultural topics. Meets three times weekly; additional lab work. Pre: 202 or consent.
Continuation of 202. Advanced reading and composition with development of language structure integrated in a variety of communicative and creative activities based on selected contemporary cultural topics. Pre: 202 or consent.
Systematic practice on various topics for control of spoken Samoan in traditional contexts. Pre: 202 or equivalent; or consent.
Systematic practice on various topics for control of spoken Samoan in modern contexts. Pre: 202 or equivalent; or consent.
Development of oratory skills in Samoan ceremonial speech. Emphasis on institutionalized applications such as the kava ceremony and formal speechmaking. Pre: 302 or 322, or consent.
Continuation of 421. Pre: 421 or consent.
Historical survey and analysis of the oral traditions and genealogies of Samoa with special emphasis on the relationship of these traditions with Samoan ceremonial speech. Pre: 302.
Continuation of 431. Pre: 431 or consent.
Study of modern Samoan grammar including some sociolinguistic background. Pre: 202 or LING 102, or consent.
A survey of the major genres of traditional Samoan literature. Taught in the Samoan language. Pre: 302 or consent.