Developing Learning Assessment Surveys

This workshop introduces attendees to survey questions that reveal respondents’ perceptions of learning, and it provides information on using survey results to guide program development.

PowerPoint & Handouts
Workshop Evaluation Report

Level: Beginner
Format: Lecture + hands-on practice
Friday, March 7, 2014, 1:30 – 2:45pm, KUY 106
Tuesday, March 11, 2014, 9:00 – 10:15am, KUY 106

While satisfaction surveys and end-of-course evaluations (e.g., eCAFE) are important and provide useful information, they do not help faculty and programs understand what students learned and why.

Workshop outcomes: Attendees will be able to

  • State the purpose of satisfaction surveys and learning-assessment surveys;
  • Differentiate between questions that investigate student learning and satisfaction;
  • Describe how survey results can be used to guide program development; and
  • List strategies to increase survey response rates.