Program: Business Administration (MBA)
Degree: Master's
Date: Mon Oct 12, 2009 - 4:14:49 pm
1) List your program's student learning outcomes (SLOs).
1. Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the functional areas of business.
1. Students align functional action plans with organizational strategic intents and vision. [Assessed in BUS 632]
2. Students will design complementary functional action plans, organizational structure, and functional control systems with measures [Assessed in BUS 632]
3. Students will be able to conduct quantitative analysis of data. [Assessed in BUS 621]
2. Communicate effectively orally and in writing
1. Students will speak effectively Assessed in [BUS 696]
2. Students will write an effective report [Assessed in BUS 632]
3. Understand and apply management skills to the Asia-Pacific business environment
1. Students will describe the economics that characterize global business [Assessed in BUS 627]
2. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the Asia-Pacific region [Assessed in BUS 627]
3. Students will describe how national cultures influence business practices and relationships [Assessed in BUS 627]
4. Identify and analyze complex ethical and legal issues.
1. Students will be able to analyze ethical issues to a business situation [Assessed in BUS628]
2. Understand the boundaries and overlaps between ethics and law [Assessed in BUS628]
5. Demonstrate understanding of the impacts of information technology on business
1. Students will explain information technology usage across different business processes and functions [Assessed in BUS 630]
2. Students will be able to evaluate the feasibility of applying information technology in business [Assessed in BUS 630]
2) Where are your program's SLOs published?
Student Handbook. URL, if available online:
Information Sheet, Flyer, or Brochure URL, if available online:
UHM Catalog. Page Number:
Course Syllabi. URL, if available online:
3) Upload your program's current curriculum map(s) as a PDF.
4) What percentage of courses have the course SLOs explicitly stated on the course syllabus, department website, or other publicly available document? (Check one)
5) State the SLO(s) that was Assessed, Targeted, or Studied
All MBA goals were assessed during Spring 2009
6) State the Assessment Question(s) and/or Goal(s) of Assessment Activity
The proportion of students who met, exceeded, and did not meet expectations with regard to goals/objectives and traits.
7) State the Type(s) of Evidence Gathered
Course material which varied by course and faculty member completing the assessment. Evidence included tests, papers, exams presentations, projects
8) State How the Evidence was Interpreted, Evaluated, or Analyzed
Faculty members evaluated the evidence based on rubrics previously established.
9) State How Many Pieces of Evidence Were Collected
At least one piece of evidence for each trait for at least 20% of the students in courses in which assessment was conducted. The number of traits per goal is as follows:
Goal 1 - 6 traits
Goal 2 - 13 traits
Goal 3 - 7 traits
Goal 4 - 4 traits
Goal 5 - 5 traits
10) Summarize the Actual Results
At least 95% of students whose work was assessed met or exceeded expectations, except for the following:
MBA 1. Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the functional areas of business
Objective MBA 1.1 Students align functional action plans with organizational strategic intents and vision
Trait MBA 1.1a Articulate organizational direction - 20% did not meet expectations
MBA 5. Demonstrate understanding of the impacts of technology on business
Objective MBA 5.2 Students will be able to evaluate the feasibility of applying information technology in
Trait MBA 5.2c Apply concepts of change management for the insertion of information technology - 12% did not meet expectations
11) Briefly Describe the Distribution and Discussion of Results
Department chairs received results. The decision was made to review results again after 3 semesters of evidence had been gathered.
12) Describe Conclusions and Discoveries
Conclusions will be made after 2 more semester of assessment
13) Use of Results/Program Modifications: State How the Program Used the Results --or-- Explain Planned Use of Results
None, until 2 more semesters of data is available
14) Reflect on the Assessment Process
More faculty involvement - an assessment committee has been formed to review all outcomes and make recommendations
15) Other Important Information