Program: Dental Hygiene (BS)
Degree: Bachelor's
Date: Fri Nov 13, 2009 - 9:31:39 am
1) List your program's student learning outcomes (SLOs).
Core content, knowledge, lpractice skills and desired attitudinal behaviors are organized sequentially and in order of progressive complexity. Content is organized using three themes which represent broad categories of professional activities in the practice of dental hygiene as follows: Professionalism, Oral Health Care, health Promotion and Diesease Prevention.
Competencies and outcomes identified for dental hygiene students are organized and described in terms of levels of knolwdge, psychomotor and communication skills, and attitudinal behaviors a student must attain to successfully meet programmatic requirements and thus, be capable of rendering comprehensive oral health care. The outcomes are included in course descriptions. Each dental hygiene and dental science course has established goals and objectives described in course descriptions provided students. The SLOs are measured using written examnations, laboratory and clinal evaluations, laboratory and clinical competency testing, laboratory and clinical examinations, oral presenations, projects and service activities, patient and agency satisfaction surveys, national board and regional licensing examinations.
2) Where are your program's SLOs published?
Student Handbook. URL, if available online:
Information Sheet, Flyer, or Brochure URL, if available online:
UHM Catalog. Page Number:
Course Syllabi. URL, if available online: available through course faculty and/or at Departmental Office
Other: Self Study Report: Exhibit document, Commission on Dental Accreditation
Other: Departmental and Clinical Guidelines
3) Upload your program's current curriculum map(s) as a PDF.
- File (03/16/2020)
4) What percentage of courses have the course SLOs explicitly stated on the course syllabus, department website, or other publicly available document? (Check one)
5) State the SLO(s) that was Assessed, Targeted, or Studied
Department of Dental Hygiene
Outcomes Required of Students
Core content, knowledge, practice skills and desired attitudinal behaviors are organized sequentially and in order of progressive complexity. Content is organized using three themes which represent broad categories of professional activities in the practice of dental hygiene. The themes are as follows:’
- Professionalism
- Oral Health Care
- Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Competencies and outcomes identified for dental hygiene students are organized and described in terms of levels of knowledge, psychomotor and communication skills, and attitudinal behaviors a student must attain to successfully meet programmatic requirements and thus, be capable of rendering comprehensive oral health care. The outcomes are included in course descriptions, and are measured using written examinations, laboratory and clinical evaluations, laboratory and clinical competency testing, laboratory and clinical examinations, papers, oral presentations, projects and service activities, patient and agency satisfaction surveys, national board and regional licensing examinations, etc. (Detailed objectives, Teaching methodology, Evaluation mechanism and criteria were submitted to the Commission on Dental Accreditation and are available in the recent 2008 Self Study document)
Professionalism. The dental hygiene professional requires specialized knowledge, methods, and skills as well as academic preparation for an institution of higher learning; applies and enlarges its body of knowledge;, maintains high standards of achievement and conduct; commits to continuing study; and provides services vital to human welfare. |
A. Ethics. Student must be able to recognize and manage legal and ethical issues of dental hygiene practice as follows: |
1. practice within a professional code of ethics and with personal and professional integrity; 2. serve each individual and the community with fairness and without discrimiination; 3. respect cultural difference of the population; 4. provide compassionate care to all patients; 5. maintain honesty in relationships with patients, colleagues, and other professionals; 6. ensure the privacy of the patient and maintain confidentiality of patient records; 7. comply with all state and federal laws governing the practice of dental hygiene and dentistry; 8. identify unethical behaviors and explore means to mediate situations; 9. use standard precautions for infection control in all aspects of patient treatment. |
B. Data Processing. Student must be able to use critical thinking skills to assist in gathering and synthesizing information within the organized group of activities that provide the framework for delivering quality dental hygiene care. |
1. accept responsibility for solving problems and making decisions based on accepted scientific principles; 2. analyze and apply information from current periodicals of dental related or oral health research to the practice of dental hygiene; utilize skills as foundation for life-long learning; 3. communicate professional knowledge orally and in writing; 4. use sound judgment in processing data, decision-making, and in the application of information to patient care |
C. Professionalism. Student should contribute to improving the knowledge, skills, values of the profession. |
1. advance the profession through service activities and affiliation with professional organization; 2. contribute to the knowledge base of dental hygiene; 3. participate in various roles of the profession, including that of a clinician, educator, researcher, consumer advocate, and administrator; 4. promote the values of the profession to the public and other professional organizations; 5. assume responsibility for life-long learning and currency of clinical care; 6. function as a member of dental and other health care teams; and 7. identify career goals and manage personal career development |
Oral Health Care. The dental hygienist provides oral health care to individuals and diverse populations of all ages that may include the medical and/or dental compromised, the cognitive, physically and/or developmentally challenged; and the socially and/or culturally disadvantaged. Dental hygiene is a practice discipline based on the utilization of a systematic approach to oral health care that involves assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation. |
A. Assessment. Student must be able to systematically collect, record, and analyze data relating to the general, oral and psycho-social health status of patients using methods consistent with medico-legal and ethical principles. |
1. obtain, review and update an accurate medical and dentall history, including vital signs; 2. maintain accuracy and confidentiality of patient records; 3. identify and manage medical conditions that require special considerations for dental hygiene procedures; 4. identify and manage medical/dental emergencies that may occur 5. perform extraoral and intraoral examinations and accurately record findings; 6. perform an examination of the teeth and periodontium, record the findings, identify conditions that may compromise the dental and/or general health of the individual, and compromise function; 7. take radiographs of diagnostic quality and correlate finings with clinical examination data; 8. identify conditions that affect dietary intake and selection that may compromise dental and general health; and 9. utilize other diagnostic tools to assess dental health (i.e. study casts, percussion, photographs) |
B. Dental Hygiene Diagnosis. Student must be able to use problem solving and decision making skills when interpreting and analyzing assessment data to identify patient needs and conditions that direct dental hygiene care. |
1. use assessment findings to determine the dental hygiene diagnosis; 2. identify findings that may impact delivery of dental hygiene services and note on problem sheet |
C. Planning. Student must be able to develop strategies to meet the needs of the patient as identified by the dental hygiene diagnosis. |
1. analyze data and formulate a dental hygiene treatment plan which is based on identified problems 2. suggest consultation, if necessary, with appropriate health care professionals 3. provide patient with information necessary to make informed decisions about health and treatments 4. establish a sequential clinical dental hygiene care and education plan 5. obtain informed consent from patient prior to implementing plan |
D. Implementation. The student must be able to provide treatment that includes preventive and therapeutic dental hygiene services, utilizing ethical, legal and regulatory concepts. |
1. apply principles of dental hygiene instrumentation to locate and remove deposits with minimal trauma to hard or soft tissue 2. provide dental hygiene care for different categories of classification of periodontal disease and conditions 3. administer local anesthesia for pain control and hemostasis 4. select and administer appropriate chemotherapeutic agents within the scope of dental hygiene practice 5. provide pre and post treatment instructions when appropriate 6. provide basic and other optional dental hygiene services based on clinical findings and professional judgment of student and faculty 7. practice asepsis and follow health and safety guidelines to minimize occupational hazards in the work place 8. provide a safe and healthy environment for the patient when rendering dental hygiene services 9. involve the patient actively in all aspects of treatment 10.provide life support measures for medical emergencies that are encountered in the dental hygiene practice |
E. Evaluation. Student must be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the planned clinical and educational services and modify as necessary |
1. determine the outcomes of clinical dental hygiene services using indices and other examination measures 2. determine the patient’s satisfaction (using the Patient Satisfaction Survey form) with the dental hygiene care received and the oral health achieved 3. utilize the recall system, including reassessment, recall and maintenance appropriate to the patient’s need |
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. The dental hygienist serves the individual and the community by promoting optimal oral and general health utilizing interpersonal and communication skills. This service is conducted in private and community health settings for diverse populations with multiple needs. |
A. The Individual and Community. The student must be able to provide educational services using interpersonal and communication skills and teaching/learning strategies to promote optimal health |
1. practice personal preventive health behaviors to maintain optimal oral and general health 2. identify the oral health needs of individuals and assist them in the development of individualized self-care regimens 3. participate in the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation phases of community-based oral health promotion and disease prevention activities 4. participate in the public policy process to influence consumer groups, businesses and government agencies to support health care issues, 5. provide dental hygiene services in a variety of settings including hospitals, clinics, offices, community programs, schools, long-term care facilities, and others |
6) State the Assessment Question(s) and/or Goal(s) of Assessment Activity
The goal of the various activities was to assess student learning outcomes in core content areas essential for professional conduct.
7) State the Type(s) of Evidence Gathered
Since the core content is organized sequentially and in order of prgressive complexity, each course identifies specific evaluation criteria and methodology whether it is written examinations, laboratory and/or clinical competency evaluations and/or examinations, community based service activities, research papers, etc.
Cognitive skills are also measured in the final year through the National Board Dental Hygiene Examintion.
Cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills are measured in the final year through the regional licensing examnation which is a live-patient examintion.
8) State How the Evidence was Interpreted, Evaluated, or Analyzed
Faculty evaluate student outcomes for each course. Student pass/failure rates for each course is maintained by the Department. Faculty analyze student progress; the Department reviews student progression/attrition through the program.
National Board and Licensing Examination pass/failure rates are evaluated by the Department. All faculty are involved as student success/failure is seen as a joint venture of all involved in the professional curriculum.
9) State How Many Pieces of Evidence Were Collected
Faculty maintain record of student progress for each course.
The Department maintains the performance overviews for the National Board and licensing examinations as well as student progression/attrition data. Note. Faculty make available CAFE results as needed.
10) Summarize the Actual Results
Mean student progression ultimately culminating in program completion for the years 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 is 87% (data requires that student graduates with cohort).
National Board Dental Hygiene Examination pass rate for the period 2004-2009 is 98%*.
Licensing Examination pass rate for the period 2006-2009 is 92.6%*.
*figures are based on real data maintained by the Department and reflect pass/failure score based on results after the first attempt.
11) Briefly Describe the Distribution and Discussion of Results
The data is received by the Department. The discussion includes all faculty. Each faculty is able to identify general content area strength/weakness. As necessary, individual courses or courses may be modified.
12) Describe Conclusions and Discoveries
Students generally meet outcomes identified.
There is faculty willingness to review and incorporate modifications to a changing student population.
13) Use of Results/Program Modifications: State How the Program Used the Results --or-- Explain Planned Use of Results
Faculty show willingness to review and institute modifications if needed.
14) Reflect on the Assessment Process
However, at the current time, the Department with the help of School personnel is reviewing possibility of converting other surveys currently used or which may be incorporated, to assist in additional assessment tools.
15) Other Important Information
16) FOR DISTANCE PROGRAMS ONLY: Explain how your program/department has adapted its assessment of student learning in the on-campus program to assess student learning in the distance education program.
17) FOR DISTANCE PROGRAMS ONLY: Summarize the actual student learning assessment results that compare the achievement of students in the on-campus program to students in the distance education program.