Program: Public Health (MS)
Degree: Master's
Date: Tue Nov 17, 2020 - 4:48:10 pm
1) Program Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and Institutional Learning Objectives (ILOs)
1. MSE1. Identify key sources of data for epidemiological purposes.
(1. Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge in one or more general subject areas related to, but not confined to, a specific area of interest., 2. Demonstrate understanding of research methodology and techniques specific to one’s field of study., 3. Apply research methodology and/or scholarly inquiry techniques specific to one’s field of study.)
2. MSE2. Interpret results of statistical analyses found in public health studies.
(1. Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge in one or more general subject areas related to, but not confined to, a specific area of interest., 2. Demonstrate understanding of research methodology and techniques specific to one’s field of study., 3. Apply research methodology and/or scholarly inquiry techniques specific to one’s field of study., 4. Critically analyze, synthesize, and utilize information and data related to one’s field of study.)
3. MSE3. Analyze a complex epidemiologic data set using at least one computer-aided tool, such as SAS, SPSS, R, or Stata.
(1. Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge in one or more general subject areas related to, but not confined to, a specific area of interest., 2. Demonstrate understanding of research methodology and techniques specific to one’s field of study., 3. Apply research methodology and/or scholarly inquiry techniques specific to one’s field of study., 4. Critically analyze, synthesize, and utilize information and data related to one’s field of study.)
4. MSE4. Communicate the results of research both orally and in writing, with the written presentation meeting the current standards of publication in refereed journals.
(1. Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge in one or more general subject areas related to, but not confined to, a specific area of interest., 2. Demonstrate understanding of research methodology and techniques specific to one’s field of study., 5. Proficiently communicate and disseminate information in a manner relevant to the field and intended audience., 6. Conduct research or projects as a responsible and ethical professional, including consideration of and respect for other cultural perspectives., 7. Interact professionally with others.)
5. MSE5. Select quantitative data collection methods appropriate for a given public health context.
(1. Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge in one or more general subject areas related to, but not confined to, a specific area of interest., 2. Demonstrate understanding of research methodology and techniques specific to one’s field of study., 3. Apply research methodology and/or scholarly inquiry techniques specific to one’s field of study.)
6. MSE6. Analyze quantitative data using bio-statistics, informatics, computer-based programming and software, as appropriate.
(1. Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge in one or more general subject areas related to, but not confined to, a specific area of interest., 2. Demonstrate understanding of research methodology and techniques specific to one’s field of study., 3. Apply research methodology and/or scholarly inquiry techniques specific to one’s field of study., 4. Critically analyze, synthesize, and utilize information and data related to one’s field of study., 5. Proficiently communicate and disseminate information in a manner relevant to the field and intended audience.)
7. EPI1. Identify public health practices for disease control including surveillance, screening and outbreak investigation, including the use of biomarkers and molecular biology.
(5. Proficiently communicate and disseminate information in a manner relevant to the field and intended audience.)
8. EPI2. Demonstrate proficiency in computer-based data collection, management and analysis using major statistical software and fundamental strategies for bio-statistical analysis.
(1. Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge in one or more general subject areas related to, but not confined to, a specific area of interest., 2. Demonstrate understanding of research methodology and techniques specific to one’s field of study., 3. Apply research methodology and/or scholarly inquiry techniques specific to one’s field of study., 4. Critically analyze, synthesize, and utilize information and data related to one’s field of study., 7. Interact professionally with others.)
9. EPI3. Discuss how public health biology - the biological, ecological, and molecular context of public health - impacts public health practice.
(1. Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge in one or more general subject areas related to, but not confined to, a specific area of interest., 3. Apply research methodology and/or scholarly inquiry techniques specific to one’s field of study., 5. Proficiently communicate and disseminate information in a manner relevant to the field and intended audience., 6. Conduct research or projects as a responsible and ethical professional, including consideration of and respect for other cultural perspectives., 7. Interact professionally with others.)
10. EPI4. Apply epidemiological specific theoretical constructs, research design, research methodology, and analytic strategies.
(2. Demonstrate understanding of research methodology and techniques specific to one’s field of study., 3. Apply research methodology and/or scholarly inquiry techniques specific to one’s field of study., 4. Critically analyze, synthesize, and utilize information and data related to one’s field of study.)
11. EPI5. Develop a scientific hypothesis, beginning with a review of existing literature, and design an epidemiological study to assess the hypothesis validly and efficiently.
(2. Demonstrate understanding of research methodology and techniques specific to one’s field of study., 3. Apply research methodology and/or scholarly inquiry techniques specific to one’s field of study., 4. Critically analyze, synthesize, and utilize information and data related to one’s field of study., 6. Conduct research or projects as a responsible and ethical professional, including consideration of and respect for other cultural perspectives.)
2) Your program's SLOs are published as follows. Please update as needed.

3) Please review, add, replace, or delete the existing curriculum map.
- File (11/16/2020)
4) For your program, the percentage of courses that have course SLOs explicitly stated on the syllabus, a website, or other publicly available document is as follows. Please update as needed.

5) Does the program have learning achievement results for its program SLOs? (Example of achievement results: "80% of students met expectations on SLO 1.")(check one):

6) Did your program engage in any program learning assessment activities between November 1, 2018 and October 31, 2020?

7) What best describes the program-level learning assessment activities that took place for the period November 1, 2018 and October 31, 2020? (Check all that apply.)

8) Briefly explain the assessment activities that took place since November 2018.
Masters of Sciences (MS) in Public Health is a degree that is for only the epidemiology specialization area.
MS student usually chose the MS instead of the MPH because they want to conduct a full master's level research project and document their research in the master's thesis.
The steps in completing the MS degree:
1) Admission to Candidacy--student admitted and meets with interim faculty advisor to select student's thesis topic
2) Formation of Thesis committee--MS student is responsible for forming the thesis committee with at least three graduate faculty members and one person is the committee advisor.
3) Approval of Thesis Proposal--MS student develops thesis proposal with help of committee members and then submits it to the committee for approval
4) Thesis Completion--student follows timetable for completion of research and writing up the results in the thesis. The thesis is submitted to the committee members for review and critique.
5) Thesis defense/final oral examination--once the MS student's advisor approves the draft thesis, then the final oral examination can be scheduled during the last semester of the degree.
6) Thesis submission and program completion--MS student's final manuscript has to submitted in digital format as PDF to Graduate Division
The assessment activities include having the student's advisor and the Student Service Specialists track the MS student's progress through completion of the MS steps. The other assessment aspect is each SLO is carefully linked and listed in the course syllabi as marked on the curriculum map. Furthermore, each SLO has to be linked to a specific assignment or learning activity within the syllabus to ensure that the SLO is directly taught and experienced with best attainment.
9) What types of evidence did the program use as part of the assessment activities checked in question 7? (Check all that apply.)

10) State the number of students (or persons) who submitted evidence that was evaluated. If applicable, please include the sampling technique used.
2018-2019: One (1) MS student in public health submitted evidence that was evaluated for completion of the MS degree.
2019-2020: We had no students who completed the MS degree.
We know that each student completing the MS degree attains all the SLOs since they are linked to the specific MS courses and to specific assignments within each course.
11) Who interpreted or analyzed the evidence that was collected? (Check all that apply.)

12) How did they evaluate, analyze, or interpret the evidence? (Check all that apply.)

13) Summarize the results from the evaluation, analysis, interpretation of evidence (checked in question 12). For example, report the percentage of students who achieved each SLO.
All seven (7) MS students for total of 100% fully completed the MS degree steps, MS courses linked to each specific SLO and attained SLO based on course assignments that are linked to specific SLOs.
14) What best describes how the program used the results? (Check all that apply.)

15) Please briefly describe how the program used its findings/results.
The results are used to improve the course content, to strengthen the variety of courses, and to expand the options of courses that the students can utilize as part of the MS in public health.
16) Beyond the results, were there additional conclusions or discoveries? This can include insights about assessment procedures, teaching and learning, and great achievements regarding program assessment in this reporting period.
None at this time.
17) If the program did not engage in assessment activities, please justify.
Program engaged in assessment so not applicable.