Program: Nursing (BS)
Degree: Bachelor's
Date: Tue Nov 17, 2015 - 2:45:27 pm
1) Institutional Learning Objectives (ILOs) and Program Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
1. A competent nurses professional actions are based on core nursing values, professional standards of practice, and the law. 1.1. Core nursing values include social justice (from the ANA statement), caring, advocacy, respect for self and others, collegiality, and ethical behavior. 1.2. Ethical dilemmas are embedded in clinical practice; an obligation of nurses is to notice, interpret respond and reflect on these dilemmas using ethical principles and frameworks as a guideline. 1.3. It is essential for nurses to participate in discussions of ethical issues in health care as they affect communities, society, and health professions. 1.3. It is essential for nurses to participate in discussions of ethical issues in health care as they affect communities, society, and health professions. 1.4. Professional nursing functions within legally defined standards of practice and state specific regulations.
(1a. General education, 1b. Specialized study in an academic field, 3a. Continuous learning and personal growth)
2. A competent nurse develops insight through reflective practice, self-analysis, and self care through the understanding that 2.1. Ongoing reflection, critical examination and evaluation of ones professional and personal life improves nursing practice. 2.2. Reflection and self-analysis encourage self- awareness and self-care. 2.3. Pursuing and advocating healthy behaviors enhance nurses ability to care for client.
(1a. General education, 1b. Specialized study in an academic field, 3a. Continuous learning and personal growth)
3. A competent nurse engages in ongoing self-directed learning and provides care based on evidence supported by research with the understanding that... 3.1. Knowledge and skills are dynamic and evolving, in order to maintain competency one must continuously update their knowledge using reliable, current sources of information from the biological, social, medical, public health, and nursing sciences. 3.2. The nurse uses legitimate sources of evidence for decision-making such as research evidence, standards of care, community perspectives and practical wisdom gained from experience. 3.3. As best practices are continuously modified and new interventions are constant, the nurse incorporates changes into practice.
(1a. General education, 1b. Specialized study in an academic field, 2a. Think critically and creatively, 2b. Conduct research)
4. A competent nurse demonstrates leadership in nursing and health care through the understanding that 4.1. An effective nurse is able to take a leadership role to meet client needs, improve the health care system, and facilitate community problem solving. 4.2. A competent nurse effectively uses management principles, strategies, and tools. 4.3. An effective nurse works with the health care team including the delegation of responsibilities and supervision.
(1a. General education, 1b. Specialized study in an academic field, 2c. Communicate and report, 3d. Civic participation)
5. A competent nurse collaborates as part of a health care team. 5.1. The client is an essential member of the healthcare team. 5.2. A collegial team is essential for success in serving clients. 5.3. Effective team members must be able to give and receive constructive feedback. 5.4. Colleagues create a positive environment for each other that values holistic client care.
(1a. General education, 1b. Specialized study in an academic field, 2c. Communicate and report, 3d. Civic participation)
6. A competent nurse practices within, utilizes, and contributes to the broader health care system. 6.1. All components of the healthcare system must be incorporated when providing interdisciplinary care. 6.2. The effective nurse contributes to improvements of the health care system through involvement in policy, decision- making processes, and political activities.
(1a. General education, 1b. Specialized study in an academic field, 3b. Respect for people and cultures, in particular Hawaiian culture, 3c. Stewardship of the natural environment, 3d. Civic participation)
7. A competent nurse practices client-centered care. 7.1. Effective care is centered around a respectful relationship with the client that is based on empathy, caring, mutual trust, and advocacy. 7.2. Nursing practice should reflect the attitudes, beliefs and values of clients. 7.3. An understanding of the culture and history of the community is fundamental in the practice of nursing.
(1a. General education, 1b. Specialized study in an academic field, 1c. Understand Hawaiian culture and history, 3b. Respect for people and cultures, in particular Hawaiian culture)
8. A competent nurse communicates and uses technology effectively through the understanding that... 8.1. Effective use of communication is an essential part of all interventions to establish caring and therapeutic relationships to educate and advocate for clients. 8.2. When working with colleagues or clients, it is important to ensure that accurate, timely and complete communication has occurred. 8.3. Successful communication requires attention to elements of cultural influences, variations in the use of language and a participatory approach. 8.4. Information and communication technologies provide essential information for delivery of effective nursing care.
(1a. General education, 1b. Specialized study in an academic field, 2b. Conduct research, 2c. Communicate and report, 3b. Respect for people and cultures, in particular Hawaiian culture)
9. A competent nurse demonstrates clinical judgment/critical thinking in the delivery of care of clients while maintaining safety through 9.1. Analysis and integration of available data. 9.2. Implementation of prioritized care based on evaluation of data. 9.3. Evaluation and analysis of the nurses personal clinical performance. 9.4. A competent nurse engages in risk reduction activities, recognizes, communicates and intervenes to promote client safety.
(1a. General education, 1b. Specialized study in an academic field, 2a. Think critically and creatively, 2b. Conduct research, 3a. Continuous learning and personal growth)
2) Your program's SLOs are published as follows. Please update as needed.
Student Handbook. URL, if available online:
Information Sheet, Flyer, or Brochure URL, if available online:
UHM Catalog. Page Number:
Course Syllabi. URL, if available online: All course objectives are on course syllabi and are directly linked to the overall SLO's listed on Q#1. Syllabi are available within SONDH intranet, but not the public website.
Other: Accreditation documents
3) Please review, add, replace, or delete the existing curriculum map.
4) For your program, the percentage of courses that have course SLOs explicitly stated on the syllabus, a website, or other publicly available document is as follows. Please update as needed.
5) Did your program engage in any program learning assessment activities between June 1, 2014 and September 30, 2015?
No (skip to question 16)
6) What best describes the program-level learning assessment activities that took place for the period June 1, 2014 to September 30, 2015? (Check all that apply.)
Collect/evaluate student work/performance to determine SLO achievement
Collect/analyze student self-reports of SLO achievement via surveys, interviews, or focus groups
Use assessment results to make programmatic decisions (e.g., change course content or pedagogy, design new course, hiring)
Investigate curriculum coherence. This includes investigating how well courses address the SLOs, course sequencing and adequacy, the effect of pre-requisites on learning achievement.
Investigate other pressing issue related to student learning achievement for the program (explain in question 7)
7) Briefly explain the assessment activities that took place in the last 18 months.
As a professional school, we conduct continuous assessment as a component of our quality improvement effort as required to maintain accreditation from the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
The school noted that the first time pass rates on the NCLEX-RN (the national licensing exam for nursing practice) for our BS graduates had decreased in 2013-2014. The Dean convened an ad hoc faculty group under the direction of Dr. Wong to assess and make recommendations. This group consisted of the department chair, chair of the curriculum and evaluation committee, and coordinators for the BS major courses. They used available survey data from course evaluations, student exit surveys, and the student experience survey. Also, the chair provided course reports completed by the coordinator. They mapped the NCLEX test plan to the BS curriculum to investigate content and coherence.
Please see our Departmental Evaluation Matrix which was uploaded as "Curriculum Map #2" in Question #3 of this survey.
8) What types of evidence did the program use as part of the assessment activities checked in question 6? (Check all that apply.)
Direct evidence of student learning (student work products)
Artistic exhibition/performance
Assignment/exam/paper completed as part of regular coursework and used for program-level assessment
Capstone work product (e.g., written project or non-thesis paper)
Exam created by an external organization (e.g., professional association for licensure)
Exit exam created by the program
IRB approval of research
Oral performance (oral defense, oral presentation, conference presentation)
Portfolio of student work
Publication or grant proposal
Qualifying exam or comprehensive exam for program-level assessment in addition to individual student evaluation (graduate level only)
Supervisor or employer evaluation of student performance outside the classroom (internship, clinical, practicum)
Thesis or dissertation used for program-level assessment in addition to individual student evaluation
Other 1: Exit exam created by external organization (Kaplan)
Other 2:
Indirect evidence of student learning
Alumni survey that contains self-reports of SLO achievement
Employer meetings/discussions/survey/interview of student SLO achievement
Interviews or focus groups that contain self-reports of SLO achievement
Student reflective writing assignment (essay, journal entry, self-assessment) on their SLO achievement.
Student surveys that contain self-reports of SLO achievement
Other 1:
Other 2:
Program evidence related to learning and assessment
(more applicable when the program focused on the use of results or assessment procedure/tools in this reporting period instead of data collection)
Assessment-related such as assessment plan, SLOs, curriculum map, etc.
Program or course materials (syllabi, assignments, requirements, etc.)
Other 1:
Other 2:
9) State the number of students (or persons) who submitted evidence that was evaluated. If applicable, please include the sampling technique used.
The BS program uses electronic surveys for program assessment as reported in question #8. Each student is emailed a program evaluation survey with three reminders and the survey is open for 1 month. The 2014-2015 student response rate was 63% (162/258 enrolled students)
10) Who interpreted or analyzed the evidence that was collected? (Check all that apply.)
Faculty committee
Ad hoc faculty group
Department chairperson
Persons or organization outside the university
Faculty advisor
Advisors (in student support services)
Students (graduate or undergraduate)
11) How did they evaluate, analyze, or interpret the evidence? (Check all that apply.)
Scored exams/tests/quizzes
Used professional judgment (no rubric or scoring guide used)
Compiled survey results
Used qualitative methods on interview, focus group, open-ended response data
External organization/person analyzed data (e.g., external organization administered and scored the nursing licensing exam)
12) Summarize the results of the assessment activities checked in question 6. For example, report the percent of students who achieved each SLO.
The program evaluation survey results and the ad hoc group identified areas for curriculum revision.
13) What best describes how the program used the results? (Check all that apply.)
Course changes (course content, pedagogy, courses offered, new course, pre-requisites, requirements)
Personnel or resource allocation changes
Program policy changes (e.g., admissions requirements, student probation policies, common course evaluation form)
Students' out-of-course experience changes (advising, co-curricular experiences, program website, program handbook, brown-bag lunches, workshops)
Celebration of student success!
Results indicated no action needed because students met expectations
Use is pending (typical reasons: insufficient number of students in population, evidence not evaluated or interpreted yet, faculty discussions continue)
14) Please briefly describe how the program used the results.
The Undergraduate Curriculum & Evaluation Committee approved changes to existing courses. These were implemented beginning in spring 2015. Noting that the BS curriculum was implemented beginning in 2010, the group recommended a full curriculum assessment to take place in 2015-2016.
15) Beyond the results, were there additional conclusions or discoveries? This can include insights about assessment procedures, teaching and learning, and great achievements regarding program assessment in this reporting period.
We heard from students that they have significant survey burden from both the department and university. They reported they do not read email unless they view it as important to the actual course. Second, we are considering using a sampling approach to course evaluation rather than asking each student to rate each course. The school is completing recruitment of an assessment specialist to manage the effort.
16) If the program did not engage in assessment activities, please explain.