library services

This poster highlights the work of University of Hawaii at Manoa 2013 Information Literacy Working Group. Tasked by the Manoa Faculty Senate, the General Education Committee established this working group that (1) reviewed definitions of information literacy, (2) reviewed academic department’s undergraduate Student Learning Outcomes, (3) reviewed courses’ information literacy aspects, and (4) surveyed writing intensive instructors on information literacy. The poster will present the curriculum map created by the group. The map included courses for the 2012-2013 academic year that had (1) a library instruction workshop, (2) Student Learning Outcome addressing some aspect of information literacy, or (3) writing intensive designation. The poster will also share the results of an information literacy survey sent to a stratified sample of instructors who taught writing intensive courses during the 2012-2013 year.  Observations and recommendations of the working group will also be presented.

Information Literacy Across the Curriculum

This poster highlights the work of University of Hawaii at Manoa 2013 Information Literacy Working Group. Tasked by …

The LIS Program believes that assessment is the key to improving student learning and refining our teaching. The Program’s long-term strategic plan includes assessment based on oral comprehensive examinations that are part of the student’s culminating experience. It has also initiated a multi-year plan to assess samples of student work for major course assignments across the curriculum. By analyzing the evidence collected from these sources, the faculty identifies areas for needed improvement and implements data-informed modifications and changes to the Program’s learning experiences.

Student Achievement Is Our Goal!

The LIS Program believes that assessment is the key to improving student learning and refining our teaching. The …

LILO (Learning Information Literacy Online) is a project of the UH Libraries Information Literacy Committee (UHLILC) for the UH System. LILO is a productivity application that guides students’ research process using library and Web resources. Students create and add to an online Research Journal, documenting their research on a topic over a period of weeks. Assessment is central to LILO. Most questions in LILO can be assessed using over 200 4-level embedded rubrics. See How Others Answered This Question links above text input boxes provide actual student responses modeling each rubric level, and defining what constitutes excellent, satisfactory, partial, or incomplete answers. LILO questions are mapped to national information literacy standards and outcomes developed by the Association for College and Research Libraries of the American Library Association. Instructors participating in LILO may now request an Information Literacy Assessment Report rating each student's response for any or all LILO modules used, along with a discussion section describing how students did overall.

Assessing Information Literacy Online

LILO (Learning Information Literacy Online) is a project of the UH Libraries Information Literacy Committee (UHLILC) for the …