Over the past several years the Department of Speech has collected data from Speech majors prior to their Fall or Spring graduation. Graduating majors complete an assessment instrument consisting of 50 multiple choice items culled from exams from all courses required to be taken by Speech majors. Questions are approximately evenly distributed across the 6 required courses. Scores are compared to those obtained from a sample of SP 151 students, i.e., largely, but not entirely, first year students who have had little to no experience in Speech courses other than SP 151. Graduating majors also complete a self-report survey assessing their perceptions of the department, the faculty, and their level of learning and achievement in the major. By Kelly Aune
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Aune, K. (2008, November). Assessment of Retention of Content from Required Courses Using Comparison Groups. Poster session presented at the Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.