Two departments have begun the process of merging undergraduate programs to address a number of challenges faced by their separate programs. The combined curriculum committees have agreed to start the process with the SLO’s and structure the rest of the curriculum around these. The aim of the process is to have an assessment plan integrated during the redesign of these programs. The initial steps in the journey have been taken and lessons learned will be presented. by Helen Spafford, Teresita Amore, Andrew Kaufman, Scot Nelson, Kenneth Leonhardt, Russell Yost, and Ania Wieczorek
Recommended Citation:
Spafford, H., Amore, T., Kaufman, A., Nelson, S., Leonhardt, K., Yost, R., and Wieczorek, A., (2015, April). Designing a new program from the SLO up. Poster session presented at the Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.