The LIS Program believes that assessment is the key to improving student learning and refining our teaching. The Program’s long-term strategic plan includes assessment based on oral comprehensive examinations that are part of the student’s culminating experience. It has also initiated a multi-year plan to assess samples of student work for major course assignments across the curriculum. By analyzing the evidence collected from these sources, the faculty identifies areas for needed improvement and implements data-informed modifications and changes to the Program’s learning experiences. By Martha Chantiny, Wil Frost, Alan Grosenheider, Allie Jordan, and Beth Tillinghast
Recommended Citation:
Chantiny, M., Frost, W., Grosenheider, A., Jordan, A., Tillinghast, B. (2009, December). Student Achievement Is Our Goal! Poster session presented at the Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.