This study evaluates team teaching models of a new curriculum adopted by the University of Hawai`i’s journalism program in 2004. In this new media convergence curriculum, students learn all media formats — print, video and online — and do not specialize only in traditional media, such as newspaper or TV journalism. Instructors team teach so that students will learn a holistic approach to storytelling in which knowledge and skills from the different specialties are integrated.
The assessment of the models focused on the first three cohorts of students, from 2004 to 2007. In the models, degrees of faculty collaboration varied depending on course level and student learning outcomes. Students in first-year basic journalism classes benefited from a lower level of faculty collaboration than those in second-year classes where advanced multimedia skills and holistic, integrated thinking were needed — i.e. an ability to “see the big picture.” The study suggests that team teaching and teaching media convergence go hand-in-hand. By Ann Auman
Recommended Citation:
Auman, A. (2008, November). Assessing a New Journalism Curriculum: Evaluating Team-Teaching Models in a Media Convergence Curriculum 2004-2007. Poster session presented at the Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.