The Chinese Section at the East Asian Languages and Literatures (EALL) department at University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa (UHM) completed an oral proficiency rubric assessing Chinese B.A. speaking learning outcomes during the Spring semester of 2014. Time has come to address the need for a writing rubric that can indicate students’ learning outcomes (SLOs) and match the program goals. This poster presents the development of Chinese writing rubric, and introduces the adaptation of this rubric in a series of courses where the instructions and SLOs are set for students to produce expected written work. Following the description above, this presentation shows collaborative work engaging all interested faculty members as a sectional program assessment effort. Particular procedures and assessment results are featured in this poster. Examples on implementing various strategies in the organization and conducting assessment activities are highlighted as well. The outcomes and benefits of inviting UHM assessment experts to conduct customized faculty workshops is also discussed. Faculty members’ comments and responses to the hands-on activities at the workshop, such as examining curriculum map, setting up the common goals, identifying assessment evidence, and optimizing data collection methods, etc. are reported as well. Through the collaborations of rubric development and assessment workshop participation, the Chinese Section faculty has deepened their understanding of the nature and benefits of active involvement in program assessment. They have made collective contributions to the Chinese BA program revision, and to the improvement of programmatic course articulation. by Haidan Wong
Recommended Citation:
Wang, H. (2015, April). Writing rubric development and collaborative assessment work in the Chinese program. Poster session presented at the Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.