This poster will have a strong descriptive element of the process undertaken to assess the doctoral program in education within the College of Education, University of Hawaii at Manoa. The poster will present the aim: What are we already doing well and what can we do more to improve student success? The poster will present: 1. The process of pairing up specialization areas to brainstorm and then share out the criteria for research 2. Feedback process with faculty 3. Rubric development 4. Implementation of rubric 5. Analysis of process and it’s effectiveness in curriculum improvement. This study demonstrates the value of faculty in supporting and driving curricular improvement. by Sarah Twomey
Recommended Citation:
Twomey, S. (2015, April). Assessment for PhD Curriculum Improvement from A Faculty Perspective. Poster session presented at the Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.