Contact Information
Tel. (808) 956-6086, Email: fm@hawaii.edu
Educational Background
- Ph.D., University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1977
- M.A., University of the Philippines, 1971
- B.A., Mindanao State University, Marawi City, 1969
Currently, Dr. Magdalena is Faculty Specialist at the Center for Philippine Studies and a faculty affiliate at the UH Manoa Asian Studies Program. His research specializations are on Mindanao, Islam, Philippine society and culture, and globalization of cultures.
- ASAN 407/PACE 407: Peace Processes in Philippines & Hawaii
- ASAN 491P: Islam in the Philippines
- ASAN 493: Globalization in Southeast Asia/Philippines
- PACE 485: Conflict & Peacemaking in Southeast Asia
- SOC 316: Survey of Social Change
- SOC 100: Introductory Sociology
Selected Publications
- Forthcoming. “Jose Rizal’s Legacy in Mindanao.” In Serafin P. Colmenares, Jr and Raymund Ll. Liongson (eds), Struggle in the Sphere of Ideas: Critical Reflections on Rizal. Knights of Rizal-Aloha Chapter, Amazon Books.
- “Enrique de Malacca.” Tugkad: A Literary and Cultural Studies Journal, Vol 3 (2023): 188-204. Pub. by University of San Carlos, Cebu City.
- “Bridging Literature and Peace: Reflections on Folk Narratives and Peacebuilding.” Tugkad: A Literary and Cultural Studies Journal, Vol 3 (2023):178-187. Pub. by University of San Carlos.
- “The 1902 Battle of Bayang from the American Perspective.” Langkit: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 11 (2022): 1-12.
- Three Short Articles on Mindanao (“Moro Cotta,” “Battle of Bayang 1902,” and “Lake Lanao
Operations, 1902-1903”). In Ricardo de Ungria (ed.), Kalandrakas: Stories and Story Tellers of/on Regions in Mindanao, 1890-1990. Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2022. - Book Review, Electoral Dynamics in the Philippines: Money Politics, Patronage and Clientelism at the Grassroots, Allen Hicken, et al. (eds.) Singapore: NUS Press, 2019. In Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Volume 52, No. 1 (March 2021). National University of Singapore.
- “Muslims in the Philippines: between past and present.” In Turki Bin Abdallah al-Dakhil (ed.), The Siege of Marawi in the Philippines: The Roots of Extremism and State Fragility (November 2020): 125-148. Pub. by Al-Mesbar Center for Studies and Research Center, United Arab Emirates.
- “Why are the Moros Absent in Rizal’s Writings.” In Serafin P. Colmenares and Raymund Ll. Lliongson (eds.). A Glow in the Dark: Essays on Rizal (2020): 114-121. Honolulu: Knights of Rizal-Aloha Chapter, Amazon Books.
- “Indigenous Peacemaking Processes among Indigenous Peoples in the Philippines.” In Stephanie Stobbe (ed), Conflict Resolution in Asia: Mediation and other Cultural Models (2018): 63-83. Lexington Books, 2018. Co-author with B. Barnes.
- “Managing the Muslim Minority in the Philippines.” Dirasat No. 29 (November 2017): 1-30. Pub. by King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- “Traditional Peacemaking Processes among Indigenous Populations in the Northern and
Southern Philippines.” In Hamdesa Tuso and Maureen P. Flaherty (eds.). Creating the Third Force: Indigenous Processes of Peacemaking. Maryland: Rowman Littlefield, 2016. - “Gender, Peacebuilding and Environmentalism.” Asia Mindanaw Journal, Vol 3 (2016): 95-109. Pub. By Ateneo de Zamboanga University, Zamboanga City.
- “Globalization and Environmental Decay: Mindanao During the 20th Century.” Progressio: Journal on Human Development, Vol 10 (2016): 1-14. Pub. by Capitol University, Cagayan de Oro City.
- “Moro Autonomy and the Sabah Issue: Problems and Challenges in Mindanao.” Progressio, Journal on Human Development, Vol 6 (2012):1-21.
- “Configuring the Mindanao Peace Process: Implications for Development and Globalization.” Mindanao Forum, Vol. 25, No. 1 (2012): 69-97. Pub. by Capitol University, Cagayan de Oro City. Pub. by MSU Iligan Institute of Technology.
- “Dabao-kuo and the Winning of Mindanao.” Mindanao Forum, Vol. 22 (June 2009): 1-20. Pub. by MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology.
- Two Short Articles (“Moro Province,” and “Mindanao”). In Spencer C. Tucker (ed.). The Encyclopedia of the Spanish-American and Philippine American Wars: A Political and Military History, California: ABC-CLIO Publications, 2009 (co-author with Paul G. Pierpaoli, Jr.).
- “The Peace Process in Mindanao: Problems and Prospects.” Southeast Asian Affairs 1997, pp. 111-125. Singapore. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies,1997.
- “Moros and Americans in the Philippines,” Philippine Studies 43 (1996):427-438, Pub. by Ateneo de Manila University.
- “Population Growth and the Changing Ecosystem in Mindanao.” Sojourn 11 (1996):105-127. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.