Vice Provost for Enrollment Management and Interim Director of Admissions
Aloha mai e Counselor Colleagues!
Mahalo for supporting your students interest in UH Mānoa. I am humbled to serve our up-and-coming
community of scholars at one of the most distinctive institutions in the world. UH Mānoa offers an
incredible breadth and depth of academic opportunities, as well as early access to world-class research
experiences, all nestled in verdant Mānoa Valley. I count myself very fortunate that in addition to this
abundance, I am surrounded by colleagues who care deeply for our students. So as we work together, I hope
you will share your mana‘o with me about the ways we can do better for our students and their families. How
can we support you as you support your students? Are we engaging in practices and procedures that "get in
the way" of centering our students? I look forward to our continued dialogue; please do not hesitate to be
candid with me when it means doing better for our students. A hui hou!