
Authors are requested to submit an abstract of a maximum of two pages (including equations, references, and figures) no later than December 20, 2022, to the symposium web page (see the template for the abstract attached): https://manoa.hawaii.edu/ISOGCAS2020/.

The abstract must be written in English. It must contain the full names, addresses, and e-mails of the authors. In the case of joint authorship, the name of the speaker who will present the paper at the symposium should be underlined. The reference marks can be omitted if all authors are from the same affiliation.

The abstract file uploaded must be in a PDF format.

If the figures are included, then the contents of the figures should be explained in their caption.

There is no limit on the number of figures as long as the total length of the paper is within the specified limit. Figures should be centered on the page.

The abstracts can be submitted using the link (scroll down to see “Select Registration Group”) or via email at iutams23@hawaii.edu to receive a template in LaTex. Then a pdf file of the abstract can be generated via typesetting.

Papers for the Symposium Proceedings

All authors of the Symposium presentations are invited to upload their papers corresponding to their presentations into the Symposium website for publication in the IUTAM Book Series by Springer by March 1, 2023 (extended from February 20, 2023).  The length of the papers should not exceed 15 pages including figures, tables, appendix and references. Each page can include up to 400 words. The recommended font size is 10pt. 

The manuscripts can be prepared using the “Springer Guidelines for Authors of Proceedings”. Click here to download the Guidelines.

To download the templates of the papers  in LaTex and in Word, please visit  


and download the LaTex (“LaTex Package”)  or Word (“Word Template”) template.  

The  papers can be submitted to the Symposium using the link.

It is planned to publish the Symposium papers as peer-reviewed Proceedings in the IUTAM Book Series by Springer.