2016 Trainees

TraineeMajor Training Site UH Mentor/Foreign Mentor Research Topic
Elisara, Tiana Molecular Cellular Biology New Delhi, IndiaSaguna Verma, PhD; Ravi Tandon, PhDHelicobacter pylori modulates HIV immunopathogenesis
Fernandez, Michael Biological Chemistry Yaounde, Cameroon Kenji Obadia Mfuh, MPH; Richard Njouom, PhDMolecular characterization of hepatitis C virus circulating in Cameroon
Gregorio, GabrielleMolecular Cellular Biology Bangkok, ThailandWilliam Gosnell, PhD; Narisara Chantratita, PhDIdentification of human genetic determinants associated with outcome in melioidosis
Kai, JessieHuman NutritionYaounde, Cameroon Maria Stewart, PhD; Gabriel Agbor, PhD Nutrient profile study of Hawaii and Cameroon grown avocado cultivars
Meno, MichaelMolecular Cellular Biology Bangkok, ThailandAxel Lehrer, PhD; Pornsawan Leaungwutiwong, PhD Production and characterization of mouse monoclonal antibodies to Chikungunya virus using hybridoma techniques
Ngo, John Biochemistry New Delhi, IndiaMukesh Kumar, PhD; Ravi Tandon, PhDHelicobacter pylori modulates HIV immunopathogenesis
Nguyen, Tiffany Biology Bangkok, ThailandRichard Yanagihara, MD, MPH and Nelson Lazaga, MS; Nuankanya Sathirapongsasuti, MD, PhDDevelopment of loop-mediated isothermal amplification for rapid diagnosis of BK polyomavirus reactivation
Puletasi, ErnestBioengineering Yaounde, Cameroon Sam Tassi Yunga, MD; Sara Eyangoh, PhD and Abanda Ngu NjeiDo non-tuberculous mycobacteria isolated from clinical samples of patients in Cameroon cause disease? A cross sectional study
Remo, Jefferson Public Health Bangkok, ThailandJane Simoni, PhD; Nittaya Phanuphak, MD, PhDPrEP users of the community-led service delivery sites in Thailand