MSC February 2018 Meeting

The UHMSC met on Wednesday, February 21, from 3-4pm in the FROG building on the College of Education campus.

* FROGs (Flexible Response to Ongoing Growth) are buildings designed to help UH get to Net Zero, in part by designing buildings that change human energy behavior without sacrificing comfort. These buildings are super cool (literally and figuratively). Check them out if you can. For more information, see:

* Cupanion is an approach to waste reduction being considered for UH. See slides at: Discussion: cool idea, but be careful of two issues: (1) Using Cupanion does not necessarily translate into waste reduction. For example, early adopters might already use water bottles, their use of app doesn’t improve waste reduction. Big question: How many students who currently don’t use water bottles will start simply because there’s an app? To be successful, you need to identify these students, target them, and win them over. (2) Lesson learned from previous campus sustainability competitions: beware of incentives that lead to “waste reduction dysfunction”. For example, if a prize is food, then some students could pour out water (or scan their cup without even filling it) in order to win. Such “play to win” behavior is a real issue from past experience. An alternative reward without this problem might be “a ride to the next beach cleanup for you and 5 of your friends”. This reward incentivizes students who would find it dissonant to waste water in order to win. For more information ,email Andie Sausser (

* Sustainability Summit Recap. 140 people in attendance, plus virtual symposium with up to 20 streaming locations world-wide. Day 1: Kona. Water Panel, lectures. Lunch at LEED certified Palamanui Campus. Day 2: Hilo, discussion of sustainability curriculum. For more details, see:

* Sustainability Minor Equivalent. KCC will be offering a “sustainability minor equivalent” modeled after the marine options program (because can’t have a minor without a corresponding major). 12-14 credits, achievable in the first year of college, provides an introduction to core concepts and key terms of sustainability, from the context of the Hawaiian Islands. Integrated across disciplines, and designed to increase engagement, recruitment, retention, and student success. Find out more at

* Ho’olaule’a of Knowledges. Center for Indigenous Science, Knowledge, and Culture is bringing over Sir Timoti Karetu from New Zealand as well as other Pacific Island scholars and excellent Hawaiian musicians. FREE event at Andrews Amphitheater this Friday! For more information:

* Manoa Dining Services Student Project.. They have three marketing interns, volunteering for Earth Day committee. More vegan items. Today’s snack: Cauliflower Rice. Thank you! Working with UHM Food Recovery Network. They need more volunteers: take excess food to Women’s shelter on Friday. If you can help: please email:

* UHM Earth Day Planning. Teaming up with GSO to do Earth Day. Application for tabling is available at: Have 10-15 nonprofits so far to share information. No vending/sales allowed. Will have two hours of music. Open Mic a possibility. A few interactive art installations. For more information and to volunteer, please email Blair Langston (

* Thank you, Manoa Dining Services, for the delicious vegan snacks!

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