The UHM Sustainability Council met on January 17 from 3-4pm in POST 801. Here is a summary of the meeting:
* Sustainability Virtual Symposium (Nicole Chatterson). The 6th annual sustainability summit will be held on Feb 8-10. To reduce carbon footprint, will have a virtual summit where people can go to a room and have an audio-video connection to the Hawaii Island summit (which is in three locations.) For more info, see:
* Earth Day Organization (Nicole Chatterson, Donna Ojiri) Donna: Manoa Dining Services is planning a “vegan restaurant take-over” for one restaurant on campus. Would like to coordinate with other activities. Nicole: Earth Day activities are planned for April 19 at Campus Center from 10-3pm. GSO and ASUH will participate in organizing. Rough plans: tables with community organizations, campus organizations, no vending. Ideas: Pecha Kucha presentations by students on sustainability? Perhaps use iLab? Sustainability hackathon? Day-of screen printing with recycled shirts?. Could use help with social media. Consider contacting Ka Leo for social media help. Would like to encourage students to make behavioral changes for month of April. Contact Nicole ( for more details.
* Manoa Green Drinks. (Nicole Chatterson) At Bale at 5-7pm. Come get beers and discuss projects. Often have a DJ with a solar powered sound system. Third wednesday of the month, right after this meeting!
* International Conference on Environmental Future (Maya Walton): Panelists, keynotes, speakers, from Hawaii, Oceania, and across world. Theme for conference is humans in island environments. Reduced rate for students ($200). Friday panel is open to public, on campus. Still accepting abstracts for next couple of week for sessions 2, 5, 6, 8, and 18 (See, and follow instructions at: For more information, email Maya (,
* ENVISION certification (Panos Prevedouros): Envision certification ( is a tool for infrastructure sustainability assessment. 300 page manual with videos. Panos converted class (CEE 444: Infrastructure, Policy, and Sustainability) to provide the envision guideline as an extracurricular activity. However, if you decide to study and pass the exam, it will count for your final exam. Prior to class had 25 certified professionals in Hawai total. Out of 36 students, 30 took it and passed it, doubling the number of certified professionals. Exam can be taken by planners and anyone who takes infrastructure.
* Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship (Maya Walton): Information session next Wednesday 3-4pm in HIG 210. Open to graduate students outside Marine Biology with an interest in national policy decisions and ocean, coastal, and great lakes resources. Fellowship is $45K/year. Applications due February 23. For more details, see and come to information session.
* Society for Conservation Biology. Newly formed group focusing on environment restoration projects. For more details, see their facebook page:
Thank you to Donna and Manoa Dining Services for the excellent snacks!