MSC October 2016 Meeting

The October meeting of the UH Manoa Sustainability Council was held on October 19 from 3-4pm. Here’s a summary:

Education News:

Matt Lynch and Krista Hiser told us about a lecture by Erik Assadourian ( last week called “Is Sustainability Still Possible?” which focused on the issue of “economic degrowth”; how to contract economies in a proactive and strategic way so as to improve human and planetary well-being.

There are discussions regarding how to best continue to educate students arriving at UH with K-12 background and interest in sustainability, hawaiian language, voyaging, etc.

Krista is working on a document to report on every course that is sustainability focused. 45 courses at UHM have been identified. We want to improve inter- and trans-disciplinary learning (At this point, Philip brought all progress to a halt by asking, What is “trans” disciplinary learning? Here’s a definition:

Another issue they are working on: How can we use the S designation to rapidly infuse sustainability across the curriculum? Possible goal is to create “something like a minor” that would result from taking some specified number of S courses.

We asked what they would like to get from those of you on the mailing list, and their reply was that they would like to:

(1) develop a list of units/people/organizations who would like to work with students who want to work on sustainability-related projects.
(2) develop a list of faculty who would be interested in developing S-related courses.

If you can help with either of these, please contact Krista Hiser (

There are a couple of potential relationships:
* The VIP program (
* Roxanne Adams has a variety of projecs (rain gardens, interpretive gardens, mapping projects, planting projects, etc.)

Manoa Food Services:

UH Food Day next Wednesday. Vendors with organic or sustainable products, free to the public, in courtyard 10-1. Canned food drive; all proceeds to be donated to Hawaii Food Bank. Please bring a can or two. Hope to meet our goal of 1000 lbs of food. Contact for more details.

Student Sustainability Coalition of Hawaii:

Working on building a network across all the schools in Hawaii; hoping to increase number of paid positions. Organizing a retreat for leadership to do planning and do needs assessment and ideas for next event. 5th Annual Sustainability Summit coming March 16-18, 2017. We are hosting the 2017 World Youth Congress, late June, 250 delegates flying in; entirely youth-driven. Great opportunity for youth to get planning experience. Hoping for to send delegates to 30 sites across Hawaii for 3 days to experience different projects. Contact Jessica Sevilla ( for more details.

Buildings and Grounds:

Arbor Day is coming up. Hawaii Hall, Friday Nov 4, 10am-until finished planting. Free plants! (until they run out). Working with Trees for Honolulu Coalition. Looking at where we need trees. Have less tree canopy now than in 2007. Contact Roxanne Adams ( for more details.

Manoa Green Drinks:

Every month, just one hour after this meeting ends!

As we all hoped, there were snacks! Thank you Manoa Food Services!

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