The Manoa Sustainability Council met in HIG 210 on Wednesday, November 18, from 3-4pm.
- Introductions
- Sustainable UH: Weigh the Waste w/UHM Dining Services (Kristen Jamieson)
- UHM and UH System sustainability meeting (Steve Meder)
- UH System: Latest updates (Matt Lynch)
- Manoa Dining Services: UH Food Day (Lana Hudson)
- IBIS Plug Load Project (Aarthi Padmanabhan)
- Fossil Fuel Divestment (Leilei Shih)
- UHM Sustainability Council Charter (Philip Johnson)
- Snacks!
Summary of meeting:
Weigh the Waste: Measured amount of food waste at Hale Aloha on two successive Mon-Tues-Weds along with educational table outside cafeteria. Food waste during second MTW dropped by almost 500 lbs. 800+ students saw display each night. Contact Kristen Jamieson ( for more details.
UH Food Day: Check out this sweet video. Vendors were mostly local (Ono Pops, Kona Red). Contact Lana Hudson ( for more details.
IBIS Campus Energy project. See this presentation pdf. There are issues with some researchers not being able to unplug their instrumentation even for the few seconds required to install the IBIS monitor. Expecting more data within a couple of months. Contact Aarthi Padmanabhan ( for more details.
WattDepot. Also on the energy front, the WattDepot research project built a dashboard to monitor Hale Aloha. See this video for an overview. Contact Philip Johnson ( for more details.
Systemwide Sustainability Council. Steve Meder and Roxanne Adams participated in a meeting on Monday to organize system-wide sustainability, with stakeholders attending from all campuses. Five categories of emphasis: operations, curricula, research and scholarship, campus and community engagement, and cultural connections. Contact Matthew Lynch ( for more details.
Inaugural meeting of a Systemwide Sustainability Curriculum Council is scheduled for December 2015. This group will be working to incorporate sustainability learning competencies across curriculum, and support further sustainability curriculum development & pathways across the campuses. Contact Matthew Lynch ( for more details.
UHM Sustainability Council Charter. Current draft is here. Some modifications will need to be made (i.e. there is no longer a UHM sustainability coordinator.) Jessica Sevilla ( volunteered to help move this process forward. Hooray for Jessica!
A GSO committee is working on getting UH to divest from Fossil Fuels. Trying to talk to BOR members to help them understand the issues surrounding this question. Contact Leilei Shih ( for more details and to get involved.
Snacks. Manoa Food Services provided delicious snacks. To quote Kristen, “This is a real game changer.” Mahalo to Lana and Donna!
Green Drinks. UH Office of Sustainability along with Sustainable UH is sponsoring Green Drinks, a social hour, at 5pm on the third thursday of each month. This means Green Drinks will always start about an hour after the monthly UHM Sustainability Council meeting (with snacks) finishes. Coincidence? I think not.