Wednesday, January 15, 2014 * 3:00 – 4:30 PM * HIG 210
SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Joe Caldwell & Sandy Maeda discuss the UH Community Colleges Energy Audit by Johnson Controls (3:30 – 4:30 pm)
1.Introductions & announcements: (5-10 minutes)
- Proposed February meeting: Presentation by Ray Delio of HECO on ways to go off the grid.
2. Discussion: (20 minutes)
- Earth Day update (Doorae Shin)
- Sustainability Courtyard (Doorae Shin)
- UHM Food Policy (Nicole Ferguson)
- UHM Sustainability Council Bylaws and Charter (Nicole Ferguson)
- UHM SC web site updates (Justin Delp)
3. Presentation on the recently completed energy audit of the UH CCs:
- Joe Caldwell, Johnson Controls Energy Manager for UH Community Colleges (Oahu)
- Sandy Maeda, Manager of Auxiliary & Facilities Services at Leeward CC.