11/06/13 Sustainability Council Meeting Minutes


RE:                 UHM Sustainability Council Meeting

DATE:           6 November 2013


TIME:            3:00 – 4:30 pm

PRESENT:   See attached 11/6/13 sign in sheet.

AGENDA:  Announcements and Presentation of proposed Sustainability Council focus items for November 2013 thru April 30, 2014.


  1. Introduction of new student liaisons: Doorae Shin & Nicole Ferguson,
  2. Steering Committee (per established guidelines):
    1. Roxanne Adams:  Director, Buildings & Grounds Mngmt. (Ldscp)
    2. John Cusick:  Water Resources Research Center
    3. Susan Hippensteele:  Strategic Plan Coordinator/Ofc of Chancellor
    4. Philip Johnson:  Prof. of Information and computer Sciences
    5. Tony Kuh:  Prof. of Electrical Engineering
    6. Gabe Sachter-Smith:  Grad student in CTAHR (SOFT)
    7. Daniele Spirandelli:  Asst. Prof. of Coastal Policy & Community Development, Dept of Urban & Regional Plng & Sea Grant Affiliate
    8. Crysttal Atkins Steiner:  TDM coordinator/Commuter Services
    9. Doorae Shin:  UHMSC student liaison
    10. Chair Steve Meder:  Int. asst. VC for PELRP with assistance from the Planning office  (Sharon, Kevin, Justin, Sheri, Janet)
    11. Susan Hippensteele: UHM has been authorized to hire a UHM Sustainability Coordinator, who will be come the point person for the UHM Sustainability Council and further campus goals!


  1. Update on Planning Session for the spring 2014 summit for Hawaii Sustainability in Higher EducationAreas of focus by defined Working Groups  include Food, Waste, Energy, Water, Transportation, Curriculum, Student Engagement, and Sharing.  Effort will include:
    1. Research on best practices in higher ed. institutions.
    2. Research on current institutional efforts and identifying metrics to quantify
    3. Developing proposed goals for recommendation at March 2014 Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education.
    4. Doorae Shin;  Earth Day planning has started with the development of an Earth Day Planning Handbook complete with a guestlist and forms;  they are looking at the possibility of staging the event at Andrews Amphitheater but may have ADA accessibility restrictions.
    5. John Cusick’s students, Doorae Shin, Stacey Motonaga, and Cali Reed propose holding  next month’s UHMSC meeting int the Sustainability Courtyard followed by an IS 489 class presentation on sustainability projects.
    6. Presentation by Joe Caldwell, the JCI Energy Manager for UH Community Colleges (Oahu) on what JCI does and the campus perspective on the CC Energy Audit by Johnson Controls has been offered for January by Sandy Maeda/Manager, Auxiliary & Facilities Services, Leeward CC)
    7. Roxanne Adams:  Arbor Day tree planting will be held in December or January.  She is requesting 40-50 volunteers to help plant palms in the Joseph Rock garden.
    8. Daniele Spirandelli announced the December 21, 2013 deadline for EPA P3 Award:  People, Prosperity, and the Planet, a student design competition for sustainability, focusing on innovative solutions that protect the environment while growing the economy. 4 topics
    9. Stacey Motonaga presented a power point on the history of John Cusick’s IS 489 class:  what students have accomplished and what exciting projects are planned for the future.  Survey shows people don’t know what’s going on.


  1. Philip Johnson:  Enhancements to the Sustainability Courtyard where Sustainafarians can find each other!
    1. From invisible to visible!
    2. Changed from inward in 2011 to outward in 2013
    3. How to go more outward -> offline! Create a physical reality
    4. Sustainability courtyard signs, billboard for news, once month lunch event
    5. Idea: blow up Map of campus w sust ctyd highlighted “you are here”
    6. Matthias: old billboard gone. Include recycling Map on campus
    7. Gabe Sachter-Smith:  16 page SOFT strategic plan:
      1. $180k-$500k seed funding to support full-time CTAHR staff to keep SOFT program alive for next 5 years.
      2. Potential income of $200k/year can sustain program with retail/wholesale outlet for vegetables.
      3. Evergreen State College as good model:  campus and community compost center, biodiesel for tractors, produce served in cafeteria.
      4. Tony Kuh:   UHM smart and sustainable micro grid.
        1. UHM energy use ranges between 11 and 21 MW peak consumption.
        2. $21M in 2011, $30M in 2012
        3. Rooftop PVs can provide approx. 3-4 MW.
        4. UHM Energy Lab
        5. Implementation of sensor network
        6. Develop energy efficiency and smart grid technology

(see power points for these three presentations on the UHMSC web site).

  1. Garret Weishaar and Austin Brandon suggested diverting food waste to the hungry.  To protect food safety, Donna Ojiri (Sodexo & Manoa Dining Services) said that campus leftovers are refrigerated and taken in refrigerated trucks by Aloha Harvest to feed the hungry.
  1. Crysttal Atkins Steiner talked about the Bike Bait Program:
    1. 2/3 of imported oil goes to transportation.
    2. 6-11% ride bikes which are stolen.  Bike bait program can catch thieves by installing subsidized GPS tags in random bikes.  Signal goes straight to your phone for tracking of the bicycle if stolen.  $80/GPS.
    3. UHM has submitted a proposal to fund 2 bike stations on campus over the next 2 years.
    4. Robert Peel suggested developing the University Lab School into a model of teaching and living sustainability.  (see proposal paper posted on web site).


  1. All power points and proposal papers are uploaded onto the UHM SC web page for consideration.  Please add your comments to the google post for feedback.
  2.  The UHM SC steering committee will take all proposals and comments into consideration and convene to discuss presented options during 3rd week in November.  The SC will develop chosen proposals for requested support from the UHM Chancellor.
  3. Doorae Shin and the Earth Day committee can contact Phyllis Look RE:  use of Andrews Amphitheater or other UHM venues.
  4. Next meeting:  Wednesday, December 4, 2013, 3-4:30 pm.

These minutes will be considered an acceptable record of discussions held by all attendant parties unless modifications are proposed by Friday, 11/15/13.

Respectfully submitted by Sharon Williams



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