1. Introductions
2. UHMSC Structure:
Voting Members:
- Student Housing representative; interested and motivated, official spot puts their skin in the game. About 4,000 students living on campus. Good suggestion.
- Food services? Public commitment, Sudexo? Others? Food services person in UH auxillary services should organize and get participation.
- East-West Center
Should they be voting members? Different opinions. Balance of representation is important.
Should these have a vote? 32 yes’s and 4 no’s
Janet: campus center student life should be represented
Athletics? Yes.
3. UHM Sustainability Degrees and Curriculum
Adoption between now and October.
Susan Hippensteele: strategic plan for campus; data-driven, multi-stage process, surveys, asked to prioritize issues; focus group sessions for data also; writing teams; access to this online; achieving destiny; implementation process; indicators, points to move toward; curriculum, research, overarching themes, 3 initiatives; 3 working groups. Two new initiatives. #4 sustainability initiative 2 parts: 1) student access; 2) the campus as a living lab. Cost of energy for campus 25 cents per $1.00 tuition spent on electricity bill. Working group in place. Review needed by Oct 9th. Need response to 1-page document sent out. Sited as a best practices for campuses. Controversy – funding grad students for 5 years.
Other educational institutions: Arizona State ahead of the curve; Australia and New Zealand; School of Sustainability.
The new Chancellor is enthusiastic. This is out for review.
Form committee from this group to respond: Lindsay Allred, John Cussick, Phil Johnson, Damian McPherson, Nicole Fergoson, Bill Unsuh, Andrew Ching
4. UHM Sustainability Projects
- Phil Johnson: students need projects to work on that will have a lasting effect and other students can work on later. Q: Who can we go to? A: this group; the professors in this group. Q: Website? A: there should be (we need help!).
- Events playbook, Environmental Center is doing something but it needs to be compiled and expanded.
- John C: ongoing projects, landscaping, aquaponics, etc; leisure center eco-tour to get students in dorms out to hike; intern for environmental health working with Environmental Center on portables: can’t open windows, need more natural light, better environment. Envir Center made changes, natural light, task lights, etc. Difference in energy: $500 per month. Surveyed occupants of portables: not happy; feel it’s an unhealthy environment; need to improve landscaping,etc.
- Roxanne Adams: Arbor Day first week of Nov. Species diversity important; soft launch of mapping project – almost done with mapping. http://manoa.hawaii.edu/landscaping/ Want to expand food production; good results with SOFt. Looking for volunteers (up to 200). They do at least 2 big volunteer projects per year. Plan to plant 150 trees and then need to do watering and maintenance. They recruit volunteers through mass email blasts.
- John C: on a survey, most students think UHM is doing nothing for sustainability. We need to turn that around. We need to see change over time.
- Gabe: SOFT over 1-1/2 years has raised 30k in grants; bananas, garden in sustainability courtyard, composting project, student stipends; they are composting between 1,000 and 2,000 lbs of food waste per week and their system has a capacity of up to 5,000 lbs per week. Main goal is to intergration and longterm support; it’s in CTAHR. The new dean is awesome. They asked for a FT person to run SOFT and she agreed. They will be sending 3 students to a conference in Oregon on sustainable agriculture. Ted Radovich will be integrating his class with the SOFT projects. They are using their facilities for tours. They have 10,000 sf production space and hope to expand to 2 acres.
- Sam King: drafted a resolution, got ASUH and GSO backing; price of oil going up is making our energy costs go up. Priority projects for campus: Kuykendall renovation, solar panels across campus, and a widespread lighting retrofit. Present case for these priorities to Campus Facilities Planning Board and it gets projects presented to the Board of Regents and then lobbied to the state legislature. Sam is with the law school and the department of urban and regional planning.
- Daniel Simonich: explanation of the Building Information Management project at the Environmental Research and Design Laboratory (ERDL) and the School of Architecture: a 3-D model of the campus with GIS and integration of many other campus databases.