Manoa Green Days is a program to reduce operating costs, to perform in a more environmentally friendly manner, and to practice cooperation within the UH Manoa community. In this program, volunteer building coordinators from more than 20 campus buildings communicate with building occupants about the Manoa Green Days initiative, such as when the university shuts off air-conditioning to campus buildings. This widespread power-off occurs on low usage days such as weekends and holidays, as well as overnight.
Prof. Kevin Kawamoto is the building coordinator for Crawford Hall, one of the buildings participating in Manoa Green Days. “It is my understanding that the Manoa campus can potentially save $3 million a year in electricity charges through the initiative. The overall electricity charges for the Manoa campus are $23 million a year. About 75 percent of that amount is due to air-conditioning,” Kawamoto said.
For more information, see web site.