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Apply only if you are eligible

Read all the scholarship requirements and directions carefully and make sure that you are eligible before you send in your application. If your are not sure, do not hesitate to ask the scholarship provider.

Watch all deadlines

Each scholarship has a different application deadline, and very few scholarship providers accept late applications. To help keep yourself on track, impose a deadline for yourself that is at least two weeks prior to the stated deadline. Use this “buffer time” to proofread and get feedback on your application. Ask your professors and other referees for recommendations AT LEAST two weeks before the deadline.

Complete the application in full

If a question doesn’t apply, note that on the application. Don’t just leave a blank.

Follow directions

Provide everything that is required, but don’t supply things that aren’t requested—you could be disqualified.

Neatness counts

Make a couple of photocopies of all the forms you receive. Use the copies as working drafts as you develop your application packet. Always type the application, or if you must print, do so neatly and legibly.

Your statement is most important

Many applications require a personal statement or statement of purpose; some require a longer essay. Pay close attention to what the application is asking you to write about. You may be able to reuse essays (or parts of essays) for multiple applications, but remember to tailor your essay for the specific scholarship you’re applying for. Make sure to highlight the most pertinent aspects of yourself or your project.

Show your work to peers, academic advisors, and faculty for feedback.
Give it a final “once-over”

Proofread the entire application carefully before sending it off.

Stay Organized

Especially if you’re applying for more than one scholarship, it is important to keep yourself organized. Record what you have done for each application, such as when you asked for your letters of recommendation, when you submitted your transcript request, etc. You should keep a copy of your application for future reference.

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