
Point of Contact

Graduate Chair: Eric Hurwitz, DC, PhD Phone: (808) 956-7425

The PhD in epidemiology is comprised of graduate faculty from the Office of Public Health Studies, University of Hawai‘i Cancer Center, Department of Tropical Medicine, Medical Microbiology and Pharmacology, Department of Microbiology, and the Pacific Basin Research Center, thus offering training opportunities in multiple disciplines critical to public health and disease control and prevention. Candidates for the PhD in epidemiology collaborate on projects with the Hawai‘i Department of Health, Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research, HMSA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and other agencies and organizations, attaining experience and expertise invaluable for their future careers as well as for the health and wellbeing of Hawai‘i's residents. Graduates of the program are employed in the U.S. and around the world in national, state and local departments of health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as educators and researchers at colleges, universities and research institutions, and as investigators in the biomedical, pharmaceutical, and insurance industries, and at international health agencies.


Although applicants to the PhD program are not required to have a master’s degree in epidemiology or a closely related field, all applicants are expected to have a master’s degree and a strong background in the natural and/or social sciences. The program encourages applications from candidates who are committed to epidemiologic research and practice, and have past research and related work experience. Applicants should also have well-focused research interests and career goals. A prospective epidemiology applicant is expected to communicate with a faculty member in his/her area of interest or with the program’s chair prior to seeking admission. The faculty member involved will serve as the advisor upon the individual’s admission into the PhD program.


Name Area Email
Sandra P. Chang, PhD Tropical Medicine sandrac@hawaii.edu
James T. Douglas, PhD Microbiology jdouglas@hawaii.edu
David Easa, MD Clinical Research easad@hawaii.edu
Eric L, Hurwitz, DC, PhD Epidemiology ehurwitz@hawaii.edu
Loic LeMarchand, MD, PhD Cancer loic@cc.hawaii.edu
Yuanan (Ron) Lu, PhD Environmental Health yuanan@hawaii.edu
Gertraud Maskarinec, MD, PhD Cancer gertraud@cc.hawaii.edu
Vivek Nerurkar, PhD Tropical Medicine nerurkar@hawaii.edu
Rachel Novotny, PhD Nutrition novotny@hawaii.edu
Beatriz Rodriguez, MD, PhD Geriatric Medicine brodrigu@hawaii.edu
Lon White, MD, PhD Geriatric Medicine lon@hawaii.edu
Lynne R. Wilkens, DrPH Biostatistics lynne.wilkens@hawaii.edu
Yan Yan Wu, PhD Biostatistics yywu@hawaii.edu
Richard T. Yanagihara, MD, MPH Infectious Diseases ryanagih@hawaii.edu