Students are required to complete 12 credits of advisor-approved upper division public health electives. Students may take courses from within the public health department or from the list below.
ANTH 301 - Culture and Health (3 cr)
Social and cultural aspects of medicine; the relationship of medicine to the beliefs, social systems, ecological adaptations, and cultural changes of human groups. DS
ANTH 427 - Food, Health, and Society (3 cr)
How human groups identify, collect, create, and transform foods; how they shape those into dietary behavior, and the influence of those behaviors on health. Pre: junior standing or higher or consent. DS
ANTH 463 - Anthropology of Global Health and Development (3 cr)
Seminar explores the definitions and histories of development and global health initiatives in developing countries from an anthropological perspective. Reading materials include scholarly and popular texts that propose and critique solutions to global poverty. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 152 or 301. (Alt years) DS
BIOC 441 - Basic Biochemistry (4 cr)
Function and composition of biological substances and their metabolic transformation in animals, plants, microorganisms. Pre: BIOL 275 and CHEM 273 with a D grade; or consent. DB
BIOL 350 - Sex Differences in the Life Cycle (3 cr)
Human sex differences, their biological basis and significance; genetic, hormonal, and behavioral determinants of sexual differentiation; biology of gender, sexuality, parenting, menopause, and aging. Pre: one semester of biological science. (Cross-listed as WS 350) DB (approved as other public health elective Spring 2016)
BIOL 375 - Concepts of Genetics (3 cr)
Genetic concepts at advanced undergraduate level; genetic transmission, recombination, gene action, mutation, population and evolutionary genetics. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 171/171L and 275/275L, or consent. DB
BIOL 375L - Concepts of Genetics Lab (2 cr)
(1 4-hr Lab) Experiments with a variety of organisms to illustrate principles discussed in BIOL 375. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 171/171L and 275/275L, or consent. DY
BIOL 402 Principles of Biochemistry (4 cr)
Molecular basis of living processes in bacteria, plants, and animals; emphasis on metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 275/275L, and CHEM 273; or consent. (Cross-listed as MBBE 402 and PEPS 402) DB (approved as other public health elective Fall 2016)
ECON 434 - Health Economics (3 cr)
Private and public demand for health, health insurance, and medical care; efficient production and utilization of services; models of hospital and physician behavior; optimal public policy. Pre: 301 or consent.
EDEF 360 - Introduction to Multicultural Education (3)
Concepts and methods to develop sensitivity and awareness of cultural influences on behavior as these relate to the schooling process. (Cross-listed as ITE 360) DS (approved as other public health elective Spring 2016)
FAMR 332 - Childhood (3)
Intensive investigation into developmental aspects of 6–12 year old children. Historical and current issues, research, and examination of the role of schools and other community resources. Focus on optimal development. Pre: 230 or consent. DS (approved as other public health elective Spring 2016)
FAMR 350 - Leadership and Group Process (3)
Exploration of leadership research and theories and their application to leadership development; designed to enhance personal and interactive leadership. Pre: 230 or FDM 200, or consent. (approved as other public health elective Spring 2016)
FAMR 352 - Community Needs and Resources (3 cr)
Theory and practice in determining community needs and resources; community resources development based on needs identification. Pre: 230 or consent. DS
FAMR 452 - Community Program Development (3 cr)
Concepts and theories of community program development; principles, practices, and procedures in administration and supervision of volunteer services surveyed and analyzed. Pre: 352
FSHN 451 - Community Nutrition (3 cr) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab)
Concepts and methods of nutrition program planning; analysis of nutritional problems of local, national, and international communities. Pre: 370 and either FAMR 380 or NREM 310; or consent.
FSHN 452 - Concepts in Nutrition Education (3 cr) (2 Lec, 1 2-hr Discussion)
Concepts, methods, and materials used in nutrition education of community, clinical, and school populations. Strategies used to educate groups or individuals. Pre: 451 and consent.
FSHN 475 - Human Nutrition for Health Professionals (3 cr)
Basic principles and practices; includes sources and functions of nutrients, nutritional needs and habits. Intended for students in pre-nursing and nursing, and graduate students in health professions. Pre: CHEM 161 (or higher) or BIOC 241 (or higher); PHYL 141 or ZOOL 141. DB
FSHN 476 - Cultural Aspects of Food Habits (3 cr)
Study of eating from behavioral perspectives. Implications for health practitioners and health education. Pre: two classes from ANTH 151 or higher or SOC 100 or higher or PSY 100 or higher. (Alt. years: spring)
FSHN 480 - Nutrition in Exercise and Sport (3 cr)
Effects of physiologic demands of exercise on nutrition. Emphasis on physiologic and biochemical basis for nutrition recommendations to enhance exercise participation and optimize athletic performance. Pre: 185 or consent. (Cross-listed as KRS 480) DB
FSHN 488 - Obesity, Science, and Issues (2 cr)
In-depth study of obesity, including research, etiology, treatment, and prevention. Pre: 480 and 486.
GEOG 404 - Atmospheric Pollution (3 cr)
Examination of air quality problems from scientific and policy perspectives, Includes case studies that explore economic, political, technical, and legal aspects of pollution control. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent. DS
KRS 353 Structural Kinesiology (3 cr)
Gross human anatomy, emphasizing identification and description of parts of the musculoskeletal system; selected applications to motor activity. Primarily for KRS majors, but open to others with consent. A-F only. Pre: PHYL 103 or 141/141L or consent. DB
KRS 354 Exercise and Sport Physiology (3 cr)
Emphasis on physiological responses to exercises and physical training as related to strength, muscular endurance, cardio-respiratory endurance. Primarily for KRS majors, but open to others with consent. Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Science, Health/Exercise Science and Lifestyle Management, and Physical Education majors only. A-F only. Pre: PHYL 103, or 142/142L (or concurrent), or BIOL 171/171L (or concurrent); or consent. Co-requisite: 354L. DB
KRS 354L Exercise and Sport Physiology Lab (2 cr)
Laboratory section to accompany KRS 354. Emphasis will be hands-on data collection and analysis of the physiological responses to exercise and physical training as related to muscular strength, power and endurance. A-F only. Pre: PHYL 142/142L or PHYL 302/302L (or concurrent); or consent. Co-requisite: 354.
KRS 401 Current Trends in Health (3 cr)
Identification and analysis of the most important health issues for individuals, families, schools, and communities. Focus on cultural and local considerations in health promotion and education. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
KRS 463 Sport Biomechanics (3 cr)
Concepts and scientific principles essential to efficient human movement; proper application of biomechanical principles to fundamental movements and selected complex motor skills. Repeatable one time, but credit earned one time only. A-F only. Pre: 353, and either PHYS 100, PHYS 151, or PHYS 170; or consent. DB
MATH 304 - Mathematical Modeling: Deterministic Models (4 cr)
Deterministic mathematical modeling emphasizing models and tools used in the biological sciences. Topics include difference equations, qualitative behavior solutions of ODEs and reaction-diffusion equations A computer lab is included. Pre: 216 or 242 or 252A, or consent.
MATH 305 - Mathematical Modeling: Probabilistic Models (4 cr)
Probabilistic mathematical modeling emphasizing models and tools used in the biological sciences. Topics include stochastic and Poisson processes, Markov models, estimation, Monte Carlo simulation and Ising models. A computer lab is included. Pre: 216 or 242 or 252A, or consent. Recommended: 304.
MATH 331 - Introduction to Real Analysis (3 cr)
A rigorous axiomatic development of one variable calculus. Completeness, topology of the plane, limits, continuity, differentiation, integration. Pre: 242 or 252, and 321 or consent.
MATH 373 - Elementary Statistics (3 cr)
Estimation, tests of significance, the concept of power. Pre: 371 or consent.
MICR 351 - Biology of Microorganisms (3 cr)
Anatomy, chemistry, physiology, genetics, development, and environmental interactions of microorganisms. Pre: BIOL 171 or equivalent, CHEM 272/272L; or consent. Co-requisite: 351L. Recommended: BIOL 275/275L. DB
MICR 351L - Biology of Microorganisms Lab (2 cr)
(2 3-hr Lab) Laboratory exercises to accompany 351. Pre: CHEM 272/272L, and BIOL 171, or equivalent. Co-requisite: 351. DY
NREM 420 - Community and Natural Resource Management (3 cr)
Theory and tools for working with groups and communities in the management of natural resources is presented using a participatory format. Topics include sustainable development, extension programming, participatory learning and communication, evaluation, and conflict management. Pre: two social science courses or consent. (Fall only) DS
OCN 340 Ecology of Infectious Diseases (3 cr)
Overview of the ecology of infectious diseases: biological, economic, and social factors contributing to disease transmission and impacts of disease on individuals and society. Emphasis on issues pertinent to Hawai‘i. A-F only. Pre: BIOL 171 and BIOL 172; or consent. (Spring only) (approved as other public health elective Spring 2017)
PACS 301 - Pacific Communities in Hawai'i (3 cr)
Examines Pacific Islander communities' experiences in Hawai'i through service learning, reading, writing, lecture, and discussion. Concerns about housing, employment, education, health, language, and culture are central. A-F only. Pre: 108 or 201 or 202, or consent. DS
PEPS 350 - Invasive Pest Species (3 cr)
Ecological, economic and sociological impacts of invasive pest species on tropical ecosystems; characteristics of invasive species and nature of vulnerable habitats; management of invasive species or eradication options; impacts on evolution, biological diversity and ecological stability. Open to nonmajors. (Alt. years: spring) DB
PEPS 451 Environmental Law (3 cr)
Exploration of federal laws, regulations, and precedents that govern our interaction with the environment. Analysis of laws regulating air, water, toxins, pests, endangered species, and environmental justice. Pre: junior or senior standing. (approved as other public health elective Spring 2015)
PHIL 310 Ethics in Health Care (3 cr)
Ethical issues in application and organization of biomedical resources; professional responsibility, confidentiality, euthanasia, experimentation on human subjects, etc. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL or MED or NURS or with a DB designation; or consent. DH (approved as other public health elective Fall 2015)
PLAN 310 Introduction to Planning (3cr)
Perspectives on planning; planning tools and methods; specific Hawai'i planning–research problems from a multidisciplinary approach. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as GEOG 310) DS (approved as other public health elective Spring 2017)
POLS 324 - Global Environmental Politics (3 cr)
Evolution of international politics, law and decision-making on a variety of environmental concerns; from endangered species to pollution to climate change. Interaction of population, development, and environment in global governance. DS
POLS 402 Legislative Internship (V)
Field placement at the Hawai'i Legislature integrated with academic study of political institutions and practices. A-F only. Pre: consent. Recommended: 390. (Spring only) DS (approved as other public health elective Spring 2017)
PSY 476 - Health Psychology (3 cr)
Psychological principles for understanding and dealing with wellness and illness. Theories and research on stress-related disorders; prevention of stress through lifestyle and healthy behaviors. Pre: 100 or consent. Recommended: 220 or 322. DS
PPC 301 - Governing, Politics, and Public Policy (3 cr)
Analysis of the major processes that translate citizen preferences into public policy. A-F only.
PPC 330 - Survey of Public Policy and Analysis (3 cr)
Students will learn about the policy making process, the results of policy decisions and how public policy is assessed, analyzed, and responded to. Also discusses important policy issues that currently fill the political landscape. Junior standing or higher. A-F only.
SOC 354 - Survey of Medical Sociology (3 cr)
Social factors in disease and treatment; illness behavior, roles of patients and healers; nature of healing professions; use of medical services; alternative systems of medical organization. DS
SOC 453 - Analysis in Sociology of Aging (3 cr)
Social and research issues significant to delivery of long-term care services to the elderly; cost, quality, availability of services, evaluation of programs, role of family, formal and informal care services. DS
TRMD 431 - Principles of Medical Parasitology (2 cr)
Epidemiology, pathogenesis, immunobiology and diagnostic aspects of human parasitic infections; principles of host-pathogen interactions; public health aspects of parasitic infections. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: MICR 351 with a grade of B or higher or equivalent. (Spring only)
WS 305 - Women and Health (3 cr)
Explores current issues in the conceptualization and delivery of health care for women. Pre: one of 151, 202, POLS 110, or SOC 100. (Cross-listed as SOC 305) DS
WS 306 Indigenous Women's Health (3 cr)
Examines issues of indigenous women's health pre and post colonial in Hawai'i, Asia, and the Pacific regions. A-F only. Pre: one of 151, 202, 305; or HWST 107, HWST 270 or HWST 285; or consent. DS (approved as other public health elective Spring 2017)
WS 367 Sustainability, Technoscience, and Social Justice (3 cr)
Examines politics of sustainability and technoscience with an explicit attention to social justice and power relations in society. A-F only. Pre: at least one course in WS. (Fall only) DS (approved as other public health elective Spring 2017)
WS 390 Gender and Race in US Society (3cr)
Historical and sociological studies of race and gender in U.S. society; grassroots feminist and racial/justice activism on the continent and in Hawai'i. A-F only. Pre: 151 or ES 101 or junior standing. (Cross-listed as ES 390) DS (approved as other public health elective Spring 2017)