M6 Tuition, Financial Assistance, and Fees
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M6.100 Residency Requirements for Tuition Purposes
M6.200 Payment of Tuition and Fees
M6.300 Financial Obligations
M6.400 Financial Aid
Related Policies, Procedures and Guidelines:
Request for Fee Proposals:
Board of Regents Policies
- RP 6.201: Authority to Set Tuition and Fees
- RP 6.202: Tuition
- RP 6.203: Fees
- RP 6.204: Student Financial Assistance
- RP 6.205: State of Hawai‘i B Plus Scholarship Program
- RP 6.206: Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE)
- RP 6.207: Exemption from Tuition and Other Fees (Unless superseded by a collective bargaining agreement.)
- RP 6.208: Board Exemptions to Non-Resident Tuition
- RP 6.209: Undocumented Students
- RP 6.210: Payment of Tuition, Fees and Charges
UH Systemwide Executive Policies
- EP 6.201: Tuition Schedules
- EP 6.202: Tuition-Setting Procedures
- EP 6.203: Contracted and Telecommunication Course/Program Fees
- EP 6.204: Student Financial Assistance Program
- EP 6.205: Reimbursement of Tuition and Fees of Deployed Active-Duty Military, Hawaii National Guard, and Reservists
- EP 6.206: State of Hawai‘i B Plus Scholarship Program
- EP 6.207: Authorized Dependents of Active Duty Military
- EP 6.208: Mandatory Student Fees
UH Systemwide Administrative Procedures