OPEN TO THE PUBLIC- We invite everyone to join us on McCarthy Mall and visit the variety of UHM programs and community organizations that are doing amazing work in our community.
Who will be joining us at McCarthy Mall- As of 9/28/18 these are the UHM programs and community organizations that will be joining us on McCarthy Mall- Native Hawaiian Student Services, College of Social Sciences/Native Hawaiian Initiative, University of Hawai‘i Press, ACCESS (College of Social Sciences, Engagement), Institute of Hawaiian Language Research and Translation, `Ike Ao Pono – UH SONDH, Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work, Public Health, Social Work and the Center on Aging, Hawaiʻinuiākea School of Hawaiian Knowledge, Kamakakūokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies, Kawaihuelani Center for Hawaiian Language, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, We are Oceania- Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work, Department of Native Hawaiian Health (DNHH) /Native Hawaiian Center of Excellence Programs and ʻImi Hoʻola Program, Center for Oral History, Department of Ethnic Studies, SOEST Maile Mentoring Bridge Program, Ka Huli Ao, Ka Lāhui Hawai’i Political Action Committee, Kākoʻo ʻŌiwi, Papa Ola Lōkahi, Malama Loko Ea Foundation, Kamehameha Publishing/Kamehameha Schools, Hoʻokuaʻāina, Papahana Kuaola, NKNKHI- Nā Kūpuna a me Nā Kākoʻo o Hālawa Inc., Manawa Kūpono, Lanakila Meals on Wheels/Kupuna Wellness Centers, PAʻI Foundation, Waiwai Ola Waterkeepers Hawaiian Islands
Where- UHM McCarthy Mall
Time- 11:45am – 1:45pm
When- Friday (October 5, 2018)
What’s provided by Pīkoʻokoʻo- Pīkoʻokoʻo will provide a 10×10 space under a larger tent, 1 table and 2 chairs per group. Lunch will be provided for up to two community representatives per booth.