Writing Tutoring
Schedule an appointmentHow we support students
Live 1-on-1 tutoring
Students can schedule appointments in 1-hour time slots to work one-on-one with a tutor
Homework help
Tutors can help with a wide variety of homework types (e.g., understanding writing prompts, writing a thesis, developing an outline, organization, revision, etc.)
Pre-college mentorship
OLA tutors are University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa undergraduate and graduate students – they can talk to students about the college application process, what college is like, and how students can prepare for college
Professional and academic development
Tutors can assist with resume development and college application materials
Good writing depends on good research, and tutors can assist in finding, understanding, and incorporating resources into your writing effectively
Vocabulary building
Tutors can help students define vocabulary words that are important to understanding writing and the writing process
Tutors can assist with proper use of MLA and APA citations and developing bibliographies and works cited pages, depending on the requirements of the assignment
Summary and analysis
Students can get assistance in understanding the differences between summary and analysis and how to develop and incorporate each in their own writing
Writing Tutoring Hours
Closed on all State and Federal Holidays
Appointments are based on 45 minute time slots. Please check https://hawaii.mywconline.net for available tutoring slots
Ready to get started?
More Questions?
How we support teachers
- Differentiated instruction: tutors can work with a student or group of students on certain skills or topics
- Content review: students can ask for assistance with class information they don’t understand or for which they need clarification
- Independent practice: tutors can go over classwork or unfinished classwork with students
- Revisions: tutors can be available to help incorporate teacher feedback effectively into revisions
- In-class demos: tutors are available to provide in-class demonstrations of tutoring services
[My tutor] was amazing and gave me exactly the help and information I needed to feel more confident and write a strong research paper.
[My tutor] was extremely helpful and really assisted me in being more specific with my thesis statement.
Writing Tutoring Sessions from 2014-2024
Hawai'i DOE K-8
Hawai'i High Schools
Step 1
Writing tutoring requires an appointment. Click on “Schedule an Appointment” to get started!
Step 2
First time here? On the welcome screen, “Click here to register.” Then fill in the information to create your account. (Returning users skip this step).
Step 3
Now you’re ready to schedule your appointment! A light gray box means that a tutor is available for that time. When you choose your appointment time, fill out the information about what you want to work with the tutor on. If you have an assignment ready, please attach it to the appointment. This will allow the tutor to be prepared for you.
Step 4
Don’t forget to login at the time of your appointment! To enter the platform choose “Start or Join Online Consultation.”
Step 5
You will now find yourself in the Online Tutoring Platform where your tutor should be ready to help you with any questions you have.
Let us know about your OLA Tutoring Experience!
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
3131 Maile Way, AEI 108
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
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