The Center for Okinawan Studies presents, a talk “Okinawan Studies and the Frontier of Ryukyuan Linguistics” by Professor Karimata Shigehisa, University of the Ryukyus, Professor of Linguistics, March 5 (Fri) 5-630PM (HST)

On March 5 (Fri) 5-6:30 PM (HST), the Center for Okinawan Studies will host a talk by Karimata Shigehisa, Research Institute for Islands and Sustainability, University of the Ryukyus, Professor of Linguistics.

Titled “Okinawan Studies and the Frontier of Ryukyuan Linguistics,” Professor Karimata Shigehisa will offer us insights on the following topic:

A century ago, Ifa Fuyu, the father of Okinawan studies, used historical linguistics to decipher records and documents of the past to unveil the ancient Ryukyuan world. Professor Karimata Shigehisa, a leading Ryukyuan linguist today, will explore in this talk when and how people migrated to the Ryukyus based on linguistic evidence, showing why historical linguistics, combined with archeological findings, continues to be a valuable tool in uncovering the history of the Ryukyus.

To register, please visit:

“Okinawan Studies and the Frontier of Ryukyuan Linguistics” Flyer (Jpeg version)


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