COS Lecture: “Early Ryukyuan History: Official Histories and Beyond” by Dr. Gregory Smits, Professor of History and Asian Studies at the Pennsylvania State University, March 4, Wednesday, 2:30PM, Moore 258

On March 4 from 2:30 pm at Moore Hall 258, Center of Okinawan Studies at UH Manoa will host a lecture by Dr. Gregory Smits, Pennsylvania State University History and Asian Studies professor, titled Early Ryukyuan History: Official Histories and Beyond.

Dr. Smits, the author of Maritime Ryukyu, 1050–1650, will discuss the history of the Ryukyu islands prior to the 16th century, based on a broad range of historical materials/records that suggest a different (and more interesting) picture of the Ryukyus described in the “official” histories of the Ryukyu Kingdom (please see flyer for more details).

A flyer of COS talk "Early Ryukyuan History  Official Histories and Beyond" by Dr Smits March 4


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