The Center for Okinawan Studies Presents:
Women’s Voices, Women Speak
Okinawa, Hawai’i and Demilitarization
Friday, September 22, 2017 @3pm
Tokioka Room (Moore 314)
Aiko Yamashiro is a poet and PhD student of decolonial Pacific literatures at the UHM English Dept. She is a co-organizer with community group HOA (Hawaii-Okinawa Alliance).
Dr. Kim Compoc is a theater artist and instructor of English and Ethnic Studies at UH Mānoa. Her work centers on diasporic Filipin@s and decolonial alliances with indigenous movements.
Kasha Ho is a blogger and community organizer on issues of food justice. She is the Community Food Systems Strategist at Kokua Kalihi Valley and cofounder of Emergent Island Economies Collective.
Mari Matsuda, UHM Law Professor
In June 2017, members of the O’ahu-based grassroots organization Women’s Voices, Women Speak attended the International Women’s Network Against Militarism Conference in Naha, Okinawa. Hosted by the group Okinawan Women Against Military Violence, we visited many contested sites (Camp Schwab, Henoko/Oura Bay) and public memorial sites, for Irei no Hi (lives lost in the Battle of Okinawa) and Rina Shimabukuro (raped and murdered by a former US Marine in 2016). In this presentation we will share some of our reflections on colonial violence and women-led healing.