Just released — BREAKING THE SILENCE: Lessons of Democracy and Social Justice from the Honouliuli Internment and POW Camp, Hawai`i

July 18, 2014

Social Process in Hawai`i, volume 45, features research on the Honouliuli Internment and POW Camp located in west O`ahu.  The collection of articles covers diverse facets of Hawai`i unique World World II experience.

The book will be available  for purchase at the Center for Okinawan Studies table in the Cultural Tent at the HUOA’s Okinawan Festival, August 30-31, 2014 at the Kapi`olani Park.

Here is a link to the “Breaking the Silence” UH News video: http://www.hawaii.edu/news/2014/07/18/breaking-the-silence-explores-honouliuli-history/


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