COS Lecture Series talk “Hawai‘i Okinawan Literature”

April 10, 2014

EVENT DATE/TIME/LOCATION: April 22, 2014, 3:00pm, Moore 319

Please join us for the next talk in the COS Lecture Series. Lee Tonouchi – poet, playwright, award-winning author, and “Da Pidgin Guerrilla”- will be the speaker. Lee’s presentation will be about Hawai‘i Okinawan literature. Hear how he conceptualizes and views the Hawai‘i Okinawans in literature as he reads from his works. His award-winning book, Significant Moments in da Life of Oriental Faddah and Son: One Hawai‘i Okinawan Journal, is an entertaining autobiography that gives readers glimpses of his own views on his Okinawan identity. Co-sponsored by Charlene Sato Center for Pidgin, Creole and Dialect Studies.

Please see the flyer for more details.


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