Upcoming Center for Japanese Studies Seminar on Apr. 11: “LOVE! SPAM”: Tastes and Tales of War, Foreign Occupation, and Luncheon Meat in Post-WWII Okinawa, by Mire Koikari

April 10, 2014

EVENT DATE/TIME/LOCATION: April 11, 2014, 3:00-4:30 pm, Moore 319
A talk by UHM Women’s Studies Associate Professor Mire Koikari. Professor Koikari will relate the significance of luncheon meat (aka SPAM) in Okinawa and its role as a narrative nexus for Okinawan expression on a variety of topics relating to war, identity, and, of course, food. Please see flyer for details.

This talk is co-sponsored by the 2014 Waikiki SPAM® Jam as well as the UHM Center for Japanese Studies, Department of Women’s Studies and Center for Okinawan Studies. Light refreshments will be provided.


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