UHM Multilingual Multicultural
Strategic Initiative

Hawai‘i has unique strengths among US states, in respect to its comparatively successful record concerning diversity, and its multilingual and multicultural nature.

Hawai‘i has unique strengths among US states, in respect to its multilingual and multicultural nature. These strengths manifest themselves in the state’s commitment to peaceful co-existence, tolerance for diversity, and a shared valuing of communal well-being. Learn more »

Some research exists, that has suggestions concerning the topic of this project, but in many respects the area is quite open. This page will organize resources and suggest lines of investigation. Learn more »

Our initial project was on signage. Go direct to the full report.

Two other projects are under development at this time.... Learn more »

UHM curriculum already contains courses with some degree of emphasis on multilingual or multicultural matters, but they are not central. Our project will develop curriculum at various levels. Learn more »

As Hawai'i is a multilingual multicultural entity, this project must represent a two-way street At present, our immediate community is the UHM community, but in due course connections will be made that allow more direct outreach and get beyond the confines of the campus. Learn more »

Look here for a gradual build-up of articles, links to books, connections to media, that can inform us about this topic. Learn more »