Spanish Applied Linguistics; Methodology; Technology-mediated LL; Task-Based LT; L2 Pragmatics
Office: Moore Hall 455 | Phone: (808) 956-8519
Email: marta@hawaii.edu
I am Professor of Spanish and Applied Linguistics at the Spanish Division of the Department of Languages and Literatures of Europe and the Americas and Associated Graduate Faculty of the department of Second Language Studies (SLS). I am originally from Valladolid, Spain, and I have lived in Hawaii for over 30 years. I have a PhD in Second Language Acquisition, an MA in Linguistics, an MA in European Languages from the University of Hawaii, and Licenciatura in Filología Inglesa from Universidad de Valladolid. I teach courses on Spanish language, linguistics, second language acquisition, teacher education, critical digital literacy, and CALL. I was honored to be awarded the Board of Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching from the University of Hawaii in 2018 and strive to keep learning and growing every day.
My main areas of interest are the intersections of technology and TBLT (Task-based Language Teaching) and technology and L2 pragmatics. I am also interested in Conversation Analysis for L2 interaction, L2 teacher education, and assessment, especially performance-based assessment. For a list of publications, please visit my website.
I enjoy working with new technologies and sharing what other what I learn. I have been fortunate to give talks and workshops for amazing people here in the US and abroad (e.g., Belgium, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Iran, Japan, Mexico, Spain, Sweden, UK). I am part of several editorial boards (Applied Pragmatics, ATLANTIS Journal, CALICO Journal, EuroCALL Review, Language Learning & Technology, TASK Journal, and System) and I currently serve as Co-editor of the John Benjamins book series Task-Based Language Teaching: Issues, Research and Practice and Series Editor of the Pragmatics & Language Learning book series (NFLRC).