page last updated Spring 2025
Japan Studies Endowment (JSE) Annual Award for Faculty and Instructors
Faculty and instructors receive an annual allowance for professional development. Expenses may be used toward Japan-related studies and research. Detailed documentation needs to be provided to UH Foundation in accordance with accounting procedures within the UHM system. Reports are also sent to the Japan Foundation.
Deadline: December 1, 2024
- Checklist for the CJS JSE Annual Award Reimbursement
- Instructions for Reimbursements (last updated 5/20/2024)
- UHF Check Request Form
- ACH Direct Deposit Form
Japan Studies Endowment Award for Faculty Research and Special Projects
The UH Japan Studies Endowment Committee reviews applications for the Faculty Research and Special Projects competition twice a year. Applicants must be permanent U.S. residents and regular faculty at the University of Hawai’i. Priority for research support is given to proposals that focus on Japan and its heritage, and to faculty who have not received funding in recent years. (Requests for equipment [computers, cameras, etc.], summer salary, release time for manuscript preparation, as well as proposals for Summer Research that do not include a travel component, are normally not competitive.) Applications may be obtained from the Center for Japanese Studies (CJS) office, or from the Application Form download link below.
Application Form (updated on Jan 31, 2025)
There are two categories of awards:
- Faculty Research Awards (CJS-Affiliated Faculty ONLY): These awards include support for research projects undertaken for summer research (maximum award for summer research: $5000) or during normal duty, or a leave period including one-semester leave without pay and one-semester sabbatical leave (maximum award for research during normal duty or leave period: $7500). This category is open only to UHM faculty affiliated with the Center for Japanese Studies.
- Special Projects Awards (University-wide (faculty); exclusions apply): These are for projects that do not all under the Faculty Research Award category. These are contingent upon availability of funds. This category is open to the general University, except for the exclusions listed as follows. EXCLUSIONS are individuals and projects in the fields of mathematics and physical, natural, medical and engineering sciences.
Please read the application for a complete description of the awards and their conditions and deadlines.
Please submit applications to:
Center for Japanese Studies
Moore Hall, Room 216
Tel: 956-2665
Email: (please put “JSE Application” in the subject line)
DEADLINES Faculty & Special Projects competitions:
October 1st – for award funding beginning no sooner than December 1 and no later than the following June 30.
March 1st – for award funding beginning no sooner than May 1 and no later than December 31.
Note: When a filing deadline falls on the weekend, applications will be due the following Monday.
Committee review will typically take place within four weeks following a deadline.
Unless otherwise agreed, October cycle awards should be completed by December 31 of the following year and March cycle awards should be completed by June 30 of the following year.
Questions regarding the awards or application procedures for the competitions may be directed to:
Chair, UH Japan Studies Endowment Committee
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa