September 23

History Forum w/ Prof. Bryan R. Gibson

Mr. Hussein Goes to Baghdad: President Reagan and the Decision to Share Intelligence with Iraq
Dr. Bryan R. Gibson, Assistant Professor of History and International Studies, Hawai‘i Pacific University
Monday, September 23, 2019
12:30 to 2:00 p.m.
Sakamaki Hall A201

Dr. Gibson unearths and discusses the dilemma faced by the Reagan Administration in June 1982, as the Iran-Iraq War raged. By that time, Iran had reversed the Iraq’s initial gains, and now the Iranians had the upper hand and were building up their armed forces right outside of Basra, Iraq’s second largest and strategically critical city. What was the Administration in Washington, D.C. to do? Let Iraq’s regime fall and let Iran triumph? Please join us in exploring this important, but little-studied conflict, and this important chapter in American foreign policy in the Middle East. Dr. Gibson is Assistant Professor of History and International Studies, and the author of Sold Out? U. S. Foreign Policy, Iraq, the Kurds and the Cold War (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015) and Covert Relationship: American Foreign Policy, Intelligence, and the Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988 (Prager, 2010).

The talk is sponsored by the UHM Department of History and the Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society. Free and open to the public. Questions? Please contact Prof. Peter H. Hoffenberg at 956-8497 or

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