

The Office of Global Engagement (OGE) at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa (UHM) is the administrative unit responsible for the University’s international education programs and services. OGE comprises the following units: Faculty and Scholar Immigration Services (FSIS), International Student Services (ISS), Mānoa International Exchange (MIX), National Student Exchange (NSE) and the Study Abroad Center (SAC).

OGE supports and promotes international education through its component units, campus and community programming, development of international experiences on campus and overseas, and collaboration on projects and events with faculty, students, alumni and leaders all over of the world.

OGE Administrative Staff:

Brent White
Chief Global Officer
+1 520-730-2947

Pauline Yang
Global Engagement Operations Coordinator
+1 808-956-2223

Programs & Services Administrative Staff:

Faculty & Scholar Immigration Services
Isis Bataluna, Director

International Student Services
Karen Michael Mikel, Director

Mānoa International Exchange
Vinnie Burns, Director

National Student Exchange
Rayna Tagalicod, PhD, Director

Study Abroad Center
Sarita Rai, PhD, Director