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DCI in Physical Science

Table of Contents

Table 2.1 lists the core ideas in Physical Science, as well as the defining questions for each physical science DCI. See the framework for more examples and grade band endpoints or the NGSS website for further information.

Table 2.1. Disciplinary Core Ideas in Physical Science
Core Idea Defining Question

PS1:  Matter and Its Interactions

How can one explain the structure, properties, and interactions of matter?
PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter How do particles combine to form the variety of substances one observes?
PS1.B: Chemical Reactions How do substances combine or change (react) to make new substances? How does one characterize and explain these reactions and make predictions about them?
PS1.C: Nuclear Processes What forces hold nuclei together and mediate nuclear processes?
PS2: Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions How can one explain and predict interactions between objects and within systems?
PS2.A: Forces and Motion How can one predict an object’s continued motion, changes in motion, or stability?
PS2.B: Types of Interactions What underlying forces explain the variety of interactions observed?
PS2.C: Stability and Instability in Physical Systems Why are some physical systems more stable than others?
PS3: Energy How is energy transferred and conserved?
PS3.A: Definitions of Energy What is energy?
PS3.B: Conservation of Energy and Energy Tranfer What is meant by conservation of energy?

How is energy transferred between objects or systems?
PS3.C: Relationship Between Energy and Forces How are forces related to energy?
PS3.D: Energy in Chemical Processes and Everyday Life How do food and fuel provide energy?

If energy is conserved, why do people say it is produced or used?
PS4: Waves and Their Applications in Technologies for Information Transfer How are waves used to transfer energy and information?
PS4.A: Wave Properties What are the characteristic properties and behaviors of waves?
PS4.B: Electromagnetic Radiation What is light?

How can one explain the varied effects that involve light?

What other forms of electromagnetic radiation are there?
PS4.C: Information Technologies and Instrumentation How are instruments that transimt and detect waves used to extend human senses?

Disciplinary Core Ideas in Physical Science

At the most basic level, systems and processes depend on physical and chemical processes. The structure and properties of matter influence the systems and processes containing that matter. Systems and processes also can be understood in terms of interactions, including forces between objects and transfers of energy. According to the framework, the overarching goal of learning the physical sciences is to identify mechanisms of cause and effect and see these mechanisms through physical and chemical principles.


In oceans, lakes, and rivers, physical properties and processes shape both non-living and living systems. For example, the structure and properties of the water molecule determine how water moves, changes state, and dissolves other substances. The interactions of wind and water masses, including the balance of forces, control how ocean currents move and how the ocean circulates. Energy is involved in the heating and cooling of water in the water cycle and in the flow of water in a river. Ocean waves serve as an excellent model for the properties of many other types of waves (see Fig. 2.21). Many other examples of physical and chemical processes can be found throughout aquatic science.


Image caption

Fig. 2.21. Ocean waves demonstrate the properties of many other types of waves.

Image copyright and source

Image by Byron Inouye


Activities and Special Features Aligned with PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter

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  1. Chemical > Matter > Definition of Matter > Activity: Matter Concept Map
  2. Chemical > Matter > Properties of Matter > Activity: Where is Water
  3. Chemical > Matter > Properties of Matter > Question Set: Properties of Matter
  4. Chemical > Matter > Composing and Decomposing Matter > Activity: Electrolysis of Water
  5. Chemical > Matter > Composing and Decomposing Matter > Activity: Hoffman Apparatus
  6. Chemical > Chemistry and Seawater > The Salty Sea > Weird Science: Pure Water and Water Mixtures
  7. Chemical > Chemistry and Seawater > The Salty Sea > Weird Science: Types of Salts in Seawater
  8. Chemical > Chemistry and Seawater > The Nature and Organization of Elements > Activity: Organizing the Elements
  9. Chemical > Chemistry and Seawater > The Nature and Organization of Elements > Compare-Contrast-Connect: The History of Mendeleev's Table
  10. Chemical > Chemistry and Seawater > Atoms, Molecules, and Compounds > Activity: Electrostatic Forces
  11. Chemical > Chemistry and Seawater > Atoms, Molecules, and Compounds > Question Set: Atoms, Molecules, and Compounds
  12. Chemical > Chemistry and Seawater > Elemental Abundance > Activity: Concentration and Dilution
  13. Chemical > Chemistry and Seawater > Elemental Abundance > Question Set: Concentration
  14. Chemical > Chemistry and Seawater > Elemental Abundance > Practices of Science: “Parts per” notation
  15. Chemical > Chemistry and Seawater > Elemental Abundance > Activity: Parts Per Thousand
  16. Chemical > Chemistry and Seawater > Ionic Compounds > Question Set: Using The Periodic Table to Predict Ion Formation
  17. Chemical > Chemistry and Seawater > Ionic Compounds > Question Set: Ions in Seawater
  18. Chemical > Chemistry and Seawater > Ionic Compounds > Question Set: Ionic Compounds
  19. Chemical > Chemistry and Seawater > Ionic Compounds > Question Set: Salts are Ionic Compounds
  20. Chemical > Chemistry and Seawater > Covalent Compounds > Question Set: Comparing Ionic and Covalent Compounds


Activities and Special Features Aligned with PS1.B: Chemical Reactions

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Activities and Special Features Aligned with PS1.C: Nuclear Processes

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Activities and Special Features Aligned with PS2.A: Forces and Motion

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  1. Physical > Density Effects > Density, Temperature, and Salinity > Activity: Density Bags
  2. Physical > Atmospheric Effects > Effect of Surface Currents > Activity: Sea Level and Gravitational Flow
  3. Physical > Atmospheric Effects > Climate and Atmosphere > Activity: Stability of Water Layers
  4. Physical > Tides > Tide Formation—Gravitational Pull > Voice of the Sea: Sir Isaac Newton
  5. Physical > Navigation and Transportation > Transportation and Ship Design > Activity: Boat Floatation
  6. Physical > Navigation and Transportation > Transportation and Ship Design > Activity: Ship Stability
  7. Physical > Navigation and Transportation > Transportation and Ship Design > Activity: Ship Speed and Efficiency
  8. Physical > Ocean Depths > Pressure > Activity: The Effects of Pressure
  9. Physical > Ocean Depths > Pressure > Question Set: Pressure


Activities and Special Features Aligned with PS2.B: Types of Interactions

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  1. Physical > Navigation and Transportation > Wayfinding and Navigation > Activity: Floating Magnetic Compass


Activities and Special Features Aligned with PS2.C: Stability and Instability in Physical Systems

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  1. Physical > Density Effects > Density Driven Currents > Activity: Gravitational Currents


Activities and Special Features Aligned with PS3.A: Definitions of Energy

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Activities and Special Features Aligned with PS3.B: Conservation of Energy and Energy Tranfer

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Activities and Special Features Aligned with PS3.C: Relationship Between Energy and Forces

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Activities and Special Features Aligned with PS3.D: Energy in Chemical Processes and Everyday Life

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Activities and Special Features Aligned with PS4.A: Wave Properties

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  1. Physical > Waves > Wave and Wave Properties > Activity: Watching Waves
  2. Physical > Waves > Wave and Wave Properties > Question Set: Waves and Wave Properties
  3. Physical > Waves > Wave and Wave Properties > Activity: Make Your Own Wave
  4. Physical > Waves > Wave and Wave Properties > Activity: Standing Waves
  5. Physical > Waves > Sea States > Question Set: Sea States
  6. Physical > Waves > Sea States > Activity: Wave Interference
  7. Physical > Waves > Wave Energy and Wave Changes with Depth > Activity: Orbital Motion of Waves
  8. Physical > Waves > Wave Energy and Wave Changes with Depth > Activity: Simulate Deep-Water, Transitional, and Shallow-Water Waves
  9. Physical > Coastal Interactions > Wave-Coast Interactions > Activity: Wave Patterns in a Ripple Tank


Activities and Special Features Aligned with PS4.B: Electromagnetic Radiation

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  1. Physical > Ocean Depths > Light in the Ocean > Activity: Colors of the Light Spectrum
  2. Physical > Ocean Depths > Light in the Ocean > Question Set: Light in the Ocean


Activities and Special Features Aligned with PS4.C: Information Technologies and Instrumentation

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Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. University of Hawaii, 2011. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-profit educational purposes.