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Further Investigations: The Nature and Organization of Elements

  1. When Mendeleev created his periodic table, he knew of 63 elements and their properties. Choose five elements and research how they were discovered.
  2. In modern times, scientists tend to specialize in one discipline of science, with a focus on a particular sub-discipline or field. In Mendeleev’s time scientists often made contributions to many different fields. Research Mendeleev’s other scientific contributions.
  3. Research how manmade elements have been created. Have any new elements been created since 2014 (the publication date of this curriculum)?
  4. The structure of the periodic table has been creatively adapted to organize items other than elements. Research some of these—examples include the periodic table of the internet or the periodic table of desserts, but many more can be found. How are these periodic tables similar to and different from the periodic table of the elements? How useful do you think this structure is for organizing other items?
Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. University of Hawaii, 2011. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-profit educational purposes.