3190 Maile Way
Honolulu, HI 96822
Phone: (808) 956-7066
Fax: (808) 956-3894
Email: rsyost@hawaii.edu
Russell S. Yost
Emeritus Researcher
Soil-Plant-Nutrient Relationships, GIS, Spatial Statistics, management of legumes in general, Nutrition of Tropical Tree Legumes, Nutrition of Macadamia Nuts, Nutrition of Bananas, Nutrition Forage Crops, Biomass/Waste Management Legumes in gen, soil fertility requirements of legumes, Nutrient Management Tropical Tree Legumes
Ph.D., Soil Science, Statistics,& Plant Physiology, North Carolina State University, M.S., Soil Science, University of Nebraska; B.S., Kansas State University;
Courses Taught:
Research Interests:
Understanding, predicting, and control of factors affecting soil-plant interactions with special reference to plant nutrition, environmental quality, and site-specific soil and crop management. Soils: Tropical soils, soils for remediation, soil phosphorus, soil acidity, studying the scaling up of soil processes from profile and field scales to landscapes. Landscape level experimentation, geospatial analysis, GIS, geostatistics Crops: Plant nutrition, legumes, agroforestry, green manures, VA mycorrhizae. Modeling as a way to understand and control crop growth, production, and impacts on the environment Water: Water and soil conservation technologies in West Africa, ACN - Ridge Tillage, scaling up field level water conservation technologies to watershed scales. Computer technology: Artificial intelligence, computer languages to capture and transfer human expertise, development of combined expert systems and simulation models, geostatistics, Geographical Information Systems: Development of geospatial analysis as an aid to traditional experimental statistical analysis. Participatory Development: Indigenous knowledge, participatory rapid rural appraisals, farmer empowerment through information science, Development of farmer-oriented information systems such as field-based soil series identification.
Selected Publications:
- Shuai, X. R.S. Yost, and T.J. Smyth. 2011. Predicting Soil Phosphorus Fertilizer Rate Using Hierarchical Segmented Regression Models. Soil Sci. 176:303-306.
- Yost, R.S., Tasnee Attanandana, Carol Colfer, and Stephen Itoga. 2011. Decision-support Systems in Agriculture: Some Successes and a Bright Future. In Spalj (ed.) Efficient Decision Support Systems: Practice and Challenges – From Current to Future. Intech Open Access Publisher, Rijeka, Croatia.
- Porter, G.S., Laura Delisle, Rowena Valencia-Gica, and Russell Yost. 2011. Use of Secondary-treated Wastewater on an Island Golf Course. Pacific Agriculture and Natural Resources (3):8-13.
- Valencia-Gica, Rowena, Russell S. Yost, Guy S. Porter, and Rosalin Pattnaik. 2010. Retention, Accumulation, and Movement of Phosphorus in a Mollisol Soil Irrigated with Dairy Effluent in a Tropical Environment. Soil Science 175:500-510.
- McCarty, Gregory, W., James B. Reeves III, Russell Yost, Paul C. Doraiswamy and Mamadou Doumbia. 2010. Evaluation of methods for measuring soil organic carbon in West African soils African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 5(16), pp. 2169-2177, 18 August, 2010 Available online at http://www.academicjournals.org/AJAR
- Bayala, R. M.Sene, J. Yatty, R. Yost, R. Kablan, K.C.Kouakou, I. Diedhiou, F. Affholder.2010? Effet des Ados en Courbes de Niveau sur la Distribution et la Diversite des Herbacees au Champ (Senegal). Agronomie Africaine.
- Shuai, Xiufu, R.S. Yost. 2010. Kinetics of Ion-Pair Formation on Variable-Charge Minerals Using the Frequency Domain Method. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 74:5: 1568-1576.
- Doumbia, M., Ansumana Jarju, Modou Sène, Kalifa Traoré, Russell Yost, Richard Kablan, Kevin Brannan, Abou Berthe, Charles Yamoah, Antonio Querido, Pierre C.S. Traoré, and Abdou Ballo. 2009. Sequestration of organic carbon in West African soils by Aménagement en Courbes de Niveau. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 29:267-275.
- Walker, T., J.B. Friday, M. Casimero, R. Dollentas, A. Mataia, R. Acda, R. Yost. 2009. The early economic impact of a nutrient management decision support system (NuMaSS) on small farm households cultivating maize on acidic, upland soils in the Philippines Agricultural Systems 101:162–172.
- Kablan, R., R.S. Yost, K. Brannan, M. Doumbia, K. Traore, A. Yorote, Y. Toloba, S. Sissoo, O. Samake, M. Vaksman, L. Dioni, and M. Sissoko, 2008 “Amenagement en courbes de niveauâ€, increasing rainfall capture, storage, and drainage in soils of Mali. Arid Lands Research and Management 22:62-80.