3190 Maile Way
Honolulu, HI 96822
Phone: (808) 956-7958
Fax: (808) 956-3894
Email: kaufmana@hawaii.edu
Andrew J. Kaufman
Associate Specialist
Tropical Landscapes
B.S., Ornamental Horticulture, Cal Poly S.L.O., 1992; M.L.A., Landscape Architecture, University of Arizona, 1998; M.S., Sociology, Iowa State University, 2000; Ph.D., Horticulture, Washington State University, 2004
Courses Taught:
- TPSS 350 Tropical Landscape Practices
- TPSS 352 Landscape Architecture History, Theory, & Practice
- TPSS 353 Landscape Graphics Studio
- TPSS 634 Landscape Plants: Identification and Use
- TPSS 354 Tropical Landscape Planting Design Studio
- TPSS 656 Environmental and Cultural Landscape Studio
- TPSS 658 Environmental Landscape Technologies and Systems
- TPSS 634 Landscape Plants: Identification and Use
Research Interests:
People-Plant Interactions and Design Implications; Environment-Behavior Studies; Environmental Psychology; Fundamentals of Landscape Design & Planting Design; Green Roof and Living Walls, History and Theory of Landscape Architecture
Selected Publications:
- Kaufman, A., Adams, R., Cox, L. (In Press). A Tropical Paradise: Native Hawaiians and Visitors to Hawaii Landscape Perception of Aesthetic Qualities of the Urban Forest and Natural Landscapes of Hawaii In: C. A. Shoemaker, (Editor), Horticultural Practices and Therapy for Human Well-being. Acta Horticulturae xxx International Society for Horticultural Science. Pp. xxx
- Kaufman, A. J. and Lohr. V. I. (In Press). Does it Matter What Color Tree You Plant? In: E. Matsuo., (Editor), Acta Horticulturae International Society for Horticultural Science. Pp.xxx, Kobayashi, K.D.; McEwen,J. and Kaufman, A.J. 2007. Ornamental Ginger,Red and Pink. Cooperative Extension Service, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Aug 2007, OF-37.
- Kaufman, A., Cox, L., Muira, T., Easterday, D. 2007. The Potential for Green Roofs in Hawaii. Cooperative Extension Service, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Feb.2007. RM-15.
- Cabugos, L., Kaufman, A.J., Cox, L.J., Miura, T., and Easterday, D. 2007. Feasibility of Rooftop Landscaping with Native Hawaiian Plants in Urban Districts of Hawai`i. Fifth Annual International Greening Rooftops for Sustainable Communities Conference Proceedings. GRHC. Minneapolis, MN.
- Kaufman, A.; Cox, L. J.; Muira, T.; Easterday, D. 2006. Feasibility of Green Roofs in Hawaii: A Source of Private and Public Benefits. Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences, College of Tropical Agricultural and Human Resources. University of Hawai`i at Manoa. Report for the Hawaii State Legislature 2007 Session.
- Kobayashi, K.D. and Kaufman, A.J. 2006. Common Gardenia. Cooperative Extension Service, University of Hawaii at Manoa. May 2006, OF-32.
- Kaufman, A. J. and Lohr. V. I. 2004. Does Plant Color Affect Emotional and Physiological Responses to Landscapes? In: D. Relf, (Editor), Expanding Roles for Horticulture in Improving Human Well-Being and Life Quality. Acta Horticulturae 639. International Society for Horticultural Science. Pp. 229-233.
- Kaufman, A. J. and Lohr. V. I. 2002. Where the lawn mower stops: The social construction of alternative front yard ideologies. In: C. A. Shoemaker (Editor), Interaction by design: bringing people and plants together for health and well being (An international symposium). Iowa State Press. Pp. 291-300.
- Padgitt, S., Kaufman, A., and Petrzelka, P. 1999. Area Wide Pest Management of Corn Rootworm Progress Report. Iowa State Extension Unit report for Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) branch of the USDA.
- Lillywhite, J.; Kaufman, A.; Peter, G.; Sato, F.; Tate, J.L.; Tirmizi, S. N., and Gieske, J. A. 1998. More Than Just Another Dam project: Gaining Insights in Applied Sociology Through a Post Evaluation of the Lake Red Rock Study. Social Insight. Fall 1998, Volume 3. Pp. 18-24.