1910 East-West road
Honolulu, HI 96822
Phone: 808-956-7247
Fax: 808-956-3894
Email: nvhue@hawaii.edu
Hue V. Nguyen
Professor/Soil Scientist
Environmental and Soil Chemistry
Ph.D., Auburn University, Alabama
Courses Taught:
Research Interests:
Soil acidity and health, organic farming, heavy metal chemistry and remediation
A. Chemistry and Bioavailability of Organic Amendments to Tropical Soils
1. Potential Use of Bio-residuals on Agricultural Lands. Investigate the interactions between sewage sludge, animal manures, and composts, and soil minerals, the mechanism(s) for Mn phytotoxicity induced by organic amendments, and the long-term effects of bio-residuals on soil properties and plant nutrition. Optimize the composting process of yardwaste and sewage sludge; devise methods to predict compost stability/maturity
2. Improving Soil Productivity through Organic Amendments. Study the possibility of using green manures, animal wastes, biochar and composts to improve soil health (i,e,, to reduce Al phytotoxicity and to increase P availability; identify compounds responsible for these effects and the mechanism(s) of Al detoxification by organic molecules).
B. Nutritional Requirements for Crops and Fertility Status of Soils in Hawaii
1. Coffee, Guava and Macadamia Nutrition</em>. Investigate the problem of P-induced Fe chlorosis in macadamia; study B requirements and effects of soil acidity/salinity on macadamia growth, S requirements for coffee and guava. Calcium and Zn requirements in coffee. Predict nutritional requirements for coffee, guava and macadamia through DRIS analysis
2. Aluminum, Boron, Phosphate and Sulfur Chemistry of Hawaii Soils.</p> <p> Determine lime requirements for many acid Hawaiian soils. Investigate the adsorption and availability of B, P and S in Hawaii soils as affected by organic matter content, surface charge (mineralogy) and rainfall patterns</p> <p> 3. Phytoremediation of heavy metals</em> (arsenic and lead) in soils and sediments in Hawaii.</p>
Selected Publications:
- Hue Nguyen. 2021. Soil Acidity: Development, Impacts, and Management. In: Structure and Functions of Pedosphere, B. Giri et al. (eds) Springer Nature, Switzerland AG. (In press).
- Cox J, Hue NV, Ahmad AA, Kobayashi KD. 2021. Surface application or incorporated biochar and compost combination improves soil fertility, Chinese cabbage and papaya biomass. Biochar 3:213-227.
- Hue, Nguyen. 2020. Biochar for Maintaining Soil Health. In Soil Health. Giri B. and Varma A. (eds). Springer Nature Switzerland AG. pp. 21-46. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-44364-1_2.
- Berek AK, Hue NV, Radovich TJK, Ahmad AA. 2018. Biochars improve nutrient phyto-availability of Hawaii’s highly weathered soils. Agron 8:203-221.
- Hue Nguyen and Amjad Ahmad. 2017. Arsenic Reactions and Brake Fern (Pteris Vittata L.) Uptake in Hawaiian Soils. Plant soil environ. 63:11-17. Doi:10.17221/428/2016-PSE.
- Berek A.K. and N.V. Hue. 2016. Characterization of biochars and their use as an amendment to acid soils. Soil Sci. 181:412-426.
- Hue, N.V. 2015. Bioremediation of arsenic toxicity. In: arsenic toxicity: prevention and treatment. N. Chakrabarty (ed.) CRC press, Boca Raton, FL. p. 155-165.
- Ahmad, A., N. Hue, and T. Radovich. 2014. Nitrogen release patterns of some locally made composts and their effects on the growth of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa, Chinensis group) when used as soil amendments. Compost Sci. & Utilization. p. 199-206.
- Cutler W., A. El-Kadi, N. Hue, J. Pearl, C. Ray, and K. Scheckel. 2014. Iron amendments to reduce bioaccessible arsenic. J. Hazardous Materials. 279:544-561.
- Hue, N.V. 2013. Arsenic chemistry and remediation in Hawaiian soils. International J. Phytoremediation, vol. 15:105-116.