Komohana 215
875 Komohana St.
Hilo, HI 96720

Phone: (808) 969-8211

Fax: 956-3894

Email: nlincoln@hawaii.edu


Noa Kekuewa Lincoln

Associate Professor/Researcher 


Indigenous Crops and Cropping Systems


University of Canterbury, Fellowship in Tribal Resource Economics; Stanford University, PhD Terrestrial Biogeochemistry and Social Ecology; Stanford University, Certificate in Indigenous Resource Management; Yale University, BS Environmental Engineering

Courses Taught:

Selected Publications:

  • Lincoln, N.K., Radovich, T., Acosta, K., Isele, E., Cho, A. (2019). Towards standardization of foliar tissue sampling of breadfruit. Hort. Tech. 29(4):443-449
  • Quintus, S., Huebert, J., Kirch, P. V., Lincoln, N. K., & Maxwell, J. (2019). Qualities and Contributions of Agroforestry Practices and Novel Forests in Pre-European Polynesia and the Polynesian Outliers. Human Ecology, 1-15.
  • Kagawa-Viviani, A., Levin, P., Johnson, E., Kantar, M., Ooka, J., Baker, J.D., and Lincoln, N.K. (2018). I ke Ëwe ‘Äina o ke kupuna: Hawaiian ancestral crops in perspective. Sustainability 10(12), 4607.
  • Kagawa-Viviani, A., Levin, P., Johnson, E., Kantar, M., Ooka, J., Baker, J.D., and Lincoln, N.K. (2018). I ke Ëwe ‘Äina o ke kupuna: Hawaiian ancestral crops in perspective. Sustainability 10(12), 4607.
  • Ladefoged, T., Preston, A., Vitousek, P., Stein, J., Chadwick, O., and Lincoln, N. (2018) Soil nutrients and pre-European contact agriculture in the leeward Kohala field system, Island of Hawai’i. Archaeology in Oceania 53(1), 28-40.
  • Lincoln, N.K., D. Ragone, N. Zerega, L.B. Roberts-Nkrumah, M. Merlin, and A.M Jones. (2018). Grow us our daily bread: A review of breadfruit cultivation in traditional and contemporary systems. Horticultural Reviews. Vol. 46: 299-384.
  • Lincoln, N.K., Rossen, J., Vitousek, P., Kahoonei, J., Shapiro, D., Kalawe, K., Pai, M., Marshall, K., and Meheula, K. (2018). Restoration of ‘Äina malo‘o on Hawai‘i Island: Expanding Biocultural Relationships. Sustainbility, 10(11), 3985.
  • Winter, K.B., Lincoln, N.K., and Berkes, F. (2018). The socio-ecological keystone concept: A quantifyable metaphor for understanding the structure, function, and resilience of a biocultural system. Sustainability, 10(9), 3294.
  • Gould, R., and Lincoln, N. K. (2017) Expanding the suite of Cultural Ecosystem Services to include ingenuity, perspective, and life teaching. Ecosystem Services 25(2017): 117-127.
  • Lincoln, N. K., and Vitousek, P. M. (2017). Indigenous Polynesian Agriculture in Hawai‘i. Oxford Research Encyclopedias: Environmental Science March (2017). DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199389414.013.376


Breadfruit Processing and Product Development

Granting agency: HDOA

From: 6/01/2017 to 5/30/2018

Amount: $30,000

Nutrient Cycling in Hawaiian Farming Systems

Granting agency: USDA HATCH

From: 10/01/2016 to 09/30/2018

Amount: $65,000

Remote Sensing and Modeling of Agroforestry Systems

Granting agency: McIntire-Stennis

From: 10/01/2016 to 09/30/2018

Amount: $50,000


  • Indigenous Cropping Systems Laboratory - Members