Indigenous Cropping Systems
TPSS 431
Noa Lincoln
This seminar series is meant to take an interdisciplinary look at indigenous cropping systems, primarily in Hawaii but also throughout the Pacific. This seminar is meant to promote cross-departmental interaction, discussion, and collaboration between undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, professors, and professionals.
Skills and knowledge to be acquired:
- generate a list of disciplines, research methodologies, and outcomes that can be applied to agrarian systems; - appraise the quality of research methodologies; - integrate aspects of traditional and scientific knowledge; and - demonstrate critical writing communication.
Cross-Listed courses:
ANTH 431
Guest Speakers:
Standard grading will apply to assign letter grade. Extra credit can be obtained by excelling on final paper (use of new sources, evidence of exceptional effort).
Course Section |
Percentage Grade |
Participation |
30% |
Written Assign. |
40% |
Final Exam. |
30% |
Writing Assignments
A short response to each speaker is required. This is not a summary, but a short discussion communicating something you found interesting, something that made you think, something that you’d like to know more about, etc. It can relate to the subject matter or the discipline/methodology used in the talk. 250-500 words.