Marla J. Berry  , PhD
Professor and Director, Pacific Biosciences Research CenterSchool of Ocean & Earth Science & Technology (SOEST) – University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
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Research Interests
Selenoproteins and selenium metabolism. Roles in neurological disease and metabolic syndrome.
Recent Publications
- Ogawa-Wong AN, Hashimoto AC, Ha H, Pitts MW, Seale LA, Berry MJ. Sexual Dimorphism in the Selenocysteine Lyase Knockout Mouse. Nutrients 2018 Jan. 10(2).
- Gong T, Torres DJ, Berry MJ, Pitts MW. Hypothalamic redox balance and leptin signaling - Emerging role of selenoproteins. Free Radic Biol Med. 2018 Nov 1;127, 172-181. PMC6123311 [IF 6.02]
- Torres DJ, Pitts MW, Hashimoto AC, Berry MJ. Agrp-specific ablation of Scly protects against diet-induced obesity and leptin resistance. 2019. Jul 23;11(7). Pii: E1693. doi: 10.3390/nu11071693. PMC6682868 [IF 4.6]
- Seale LA, Khadka VS, Menor M, Xie G, Watanabe LM, Sasuclark L, Guirguis K, Ha HY, Hashimoto AC, Peplowska K, Tiirikainen M, Jia W, Berry MJ, Deng Y. Combined Omics Reveals That Disruption of the Selenocysteine Lyase Gene Affects Amino Acid Pathways in Mice. 2019 Oct 26;11(11). pii: E2584. PMC6893568.
Recent Grants
- R01 DK47320-24, NIH/NIDDK (Berry MJ, PI) 4/17 – 3/21, Mechanism of selenoprotein synthesis.
- U54 MD007601, NIH/NIMHD (Hedges J, Mokuau N, PIs) 09/17 - 06/22, Ola Hawaii. Goals are to support, strengthen and diversify the basic biomedical, behavioral, clinical and community research workforce and thinkforce engaged in the science of minority health and health disparities.